
[法] 煽动战争

  • The president was accused of warmongering .

    总统 穷兵黩武而被指责。

  • Mr Romney set out to reassure wavering voters that he was not a warmongering heir to George W. Bush at one point declaring : we want a peaceful planet .

    罗姆尼向摇摆选民保证他不会 布什的 战争 并且一度宣称:“我们想要一个和平的星球。”

  • The speech hits out at warmongering .

    这篇演说 煽动 战争 行为 大加 鞭笞

  • On a personal level I feel affronted to hear Scottish nationalists accuse the English of not caring about social justice or of being narrow-minded and warmongering .

    在个人层面,听到苏格兰民族主义者指控英格兰人不关注社会公正,或心胸狭窄并 煽动 战争,让我觉得受到了侮辱。

  • Now they 're stuck and times running out hence all the recent nationalistic threats and warmongering at their neighbours .

    现在他们遇到瓶颈,又错失了 正确的时机,因此最近就 不断对他们的邻国进行民族主义 的威胁和 挑衅