warehouse system

[ˈwɛrˌhaʊs ˈsɪstəm][ˈwɛəhaus ˈsistəm]


  • Design and Implementation of RFID Warehouse System for Small Cargo

    一种小型货物RFID 仓储 系统的设计与实现

  • Data Warehouse System in Order to Raise the Level of Financial Management of Hospitals

    以数据 仓库 系统提高医院财务管理水平

  • Business Process Reengineering Design of Yanji Cigarette Manufacturers Warehouse System

    延吉卷烟厂 仓储 系统的业务流程再造设计

  • By using these statistics the optimizer minimizes disk I / O and data movement two factors that reduce performance in a data warehouse system .

    通过使用这些统计数据,优化器最小化了磁盘I/O和数据移动,这是降低数据 仓库 系统性能的两个主要因素。

  • In this paper several key techniques have been studied for Enterprise Group data warehouse system . This paper research results provide a good reference for the implementation of Enterprise Group data warehouse system and have important theoretical and practical significance .

    本文就企业集团数据 仓库 系统中的几个关键技术进行了研究,本文的研究成果为企业集团实施数据仓库系统提供了很好的借鉴作用,有着重要的理论和现实意义。

  • Research on the Theory Method and Application of Data Warehouse System

    数据 仓库 系统理论、方法及应用研究

  • The Research on the Application of Data Warehouse System in Colleges Management and Decision-making

    数据 仓库 系统在高校管理决策中的应用研究

  • Web-based data warehouse system is composed of Expression Layer Application Layer and Data Layer .

    基于Web的数据 仓库 系统由表示层、应用层和数据层组成。

  • The first part is the Data Warehouse system which is base of records analysis ;

    第一个主体是病历信息数据 仓库 系统,它是进行分析的基础;

  • Data warehouse system has become an indispensable assistant tool in production and operation decision-making .

    数据 仓库 系统已经成为企业和组织生产经营决策不可或缺的辅助工具。

  • The Research and Application of Data Warehouse System of Finance in Campus

    高校财务数据 仓库 系统的研究和应用

  • The Design and Implement of Box Level Warehouse System Based on RFID

    一种纸箱级RFID 仓储 系统设计及实现

  • Research and Implementation of Spatial Data Warehouse System of Shanghai Underground Space

    上海市地下空间数据 仓库 系统的研究与实现

  • Metadata and its management are the kernel parts of data warehouse system .

    元数据及其管理是数据 仓库 系统的核心部件。

  • On the basis of given telecomdata warehouse system in this paper the author thoroughlyprobes the data show methods based on the telecom business service and ETL .

    在给出的电信数据 仓库 体系结构的基础上,深入的探讨了基于电信业务的数据仓库ETL和数据展现方法。

  • Metadata management system is the core of construction and management and maintenance and use data warehouse system .

    元数据管理系统是构建、管理、维护和使用数据 仓库 系统的核心部件。

  • Data-extract is one of the most important tasks of data warehouse system .

    数据提取是数据 仓库 系统中的重要任务。

  • Introduced the object-oriented modeling method and the Petri net 's mathematics rationale preparing for automatic warehouse system modeling .

    介绍了面向对象的建模方法和Petri网的数学理论基础,为自动化 立体 仓库 建模及分析做了充分准。

  • Management and control is a very important part of automated three-dimensional warehouse system .

    管理和控制是自动化立体 仓库 系统中的一个非常重要的组成部分。

  • Research on Virtual Warehouse System Based on OpenGL

    基于OpenGL的虚拟 仓库 系统的研究

  • The approach generally fits well with a data warehouse system since all data is in one table without the need for table joins .

    这种方法通常比较适合数据 仓库 系统,因为所有数据都在一张表里,不需要做表连接。

  • By the design of software we may build data warehouse system based on the lower hardware .

    通过软件合理的设计,在较低的硬件资源下可以实现数据 仓库 系统的建造。

  • Study on Data Warehouse System in Remote Monitor System for Crane

    起重机远程监控数据 仓库 系统研究及实现

  • Logistics analysis and generic steps on warehouse system design .

    仓库的物流分析,提出 仓库 系统设计的一般步骤。

  • This paper summarizes the classical strategies of dimensions updating in data warehouse system at first .

    首先从理论上总结了数据 仓库 系统中维度更新的经典策略。

  • This article introduced the developing process of data warehouse system and studied the effect of PowerDesigner in it .

    介绍了酶在反胶团中的主要特性,对反胶团酶反应的 应用、动力学和过程开发的最新进展进行了综述。

  • Major functions of modules of IEDS and method integrated with data warehouse system are presented in the function model .

    功能模型描述了系统各模块的主要功能及其与数据 仓库 系统间的集成方式。

  • The design and research of data warehouse system in the mining enterprise

    矿山企业数据 仓库 系统的设计研究

  • The design strategy of Automatic warehouse system and its extensible control system based on Ethernet are given .

    介绍了制造业自动化 仓储 物流 系统的总体 组成,提出了基于以太网的可扩展 物流控制系统的设计方法;