Werner theory

[化] 沃纳理论

  • Werner Heisenberg advanced a theory of nuclear composition . W.

    海森堡提出一个关于原子核组成的 理论

  • Werner 's theory of coordination and some related theories of 3D chemistry were employed to study molecular structure and characteristics of inorganic and organic retarding admixtures . It was found that retarding admixtures belonged to the category of coordination compounds its chemical nature was attributed to coordination bond .

    运用 维尔纳 A.Werner 学说和立体化学有关理论,分析研究了无机、有机缓凝外加剂的分子结构和特征,发现缓凝外加剂都是配位化合物,化学本质是配位键。

  • The establishment of Alfred werner 's coordination theory

    Werner配位 理论的建立