watery diarrhea

[ˈwɔtəri ˌdaɪəˈriə][ˈwɔ:təri: ˌdaɪəˈri:ə]


  • The main manifestation of the patients was watery diarrhea .

    临床主要表现为 腹泻,以 水样 便 居多

  • Observation of Racecadotril in Treating Acute Watery Diarrhea

    加用消旋卡多曲治疗急性 水样 腹泻 疗效观察

  • Methods Eight LI subjects with watery diarrhea who were selected from 38 subjects by hydrogen breath test ( HBT ) were divided into group A group B to go on drinking cow 's milk test .

    方法采用氢呼气试验从38名受试者中筛选出8名有 水样 腹泻的乳糖不耐受者,分成低、高剂量组参加饮奶试验。

  • Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli ( ETEC ) is one of the most important pathogens in severe watery diarrhea in piglets calves lambs and other farm livestock its high morbidity and mortality caused big economic losses .

    产肠毒素大肠杆菌(EnterotoxigenicEscherichiaColi,ETEC)是引发仔猪、牛犊、羔羊等农场家畜(禽) 水样 腹泻的最主要致病菌之一,其高发病率和致死率给畜牧养殖业造成很大经济损失。

  • Methods One hundred and twenty-six cases with acute watery diarrhea were randomly divided into treatment group and control group .

    方法随机将急性 水样 腹泻 患儿126例分为2组,治疗组与对照组各63例。

  • Endemic cholera is a bacterial infection of the small intestine that causes acute watery diarrhea .

    地方流行性霍乱是一种细菌感染所致的小肠性疾病,引起急性 水样 腹泻

  • The possibility of jejunal Crohn 's disease should be kept in mind when the physician confronts a young patient suffering from watery diarrhea and body weight loss persisting for a period .

    诊疗医师面对长期受到 水泻、体重流失困扰之年轻人,应考虑到「小肠克隆氏疾病」的可能性。

  • Cryptosporidium parvum ( Category B agent ) is a protozoan parasite that can cause severe watery diarrhea in humans and animals .

    微小隐孢子虫(CategoryBagent)是一种会导致人类和动物 急性 腹泻的寄生虫。

  • Results ① Clinical manifestations in most of the cases present with watery or mucus stool . The cases with frequent diarrhea above 10 times / day in the elder were more than the younger with earlier occurence longer duration fever and abdominal symptoms ;

    结果①AAD患者以 水样 便及粘液便为主要表现,老年组 腹泻频率>10次/d者明显增多,较早出现,持续时间明显延长,伴随症状减少;

  • Cryptosporidium is an important parasite which parasite on the respiratory and digestive tract epithelial cells of human and spinal animals . Cryptosporidiosis is caused by it in the clinical manifestations of severe watery diarrhea disease .

    隐孢子虫(Cryptosporidium.spp)是寄生于人类及脊椎动物的呼吸道或消化道上皮细胞的一种重要原虫,由它引起的在临床上表现为严重 水样 腹泻 症状的疾病称为隐孢子虫病。

  • The symptoms are watery diarrhea often with abdominal cramping nausea vomiting fever and chills .

    症状主要是 水泻,通常伴腹绞痛,恶心,呕吐,发烧和寒战。

  • At the beginning of the disease pigs feed intake reduced watery diarrhea feces were yellow water samples and then black asphalt sample Part of the pig body temperature increased .

    2008年的 6 ,该场 60kg 左右育肥猪开始发病,病初猪群采食量减少, 水样 腹泻,粪便呈黄色水样,后 黑色柏油样,部分猪体温升高。

  • Rotavirus gastroenteritis is characterized by watery diarrhea usually prec - eded or accompanied by vomiting and fever .

    轮状病毒性胃肠炎特征:通常是 水样 ,并伴有呕吐,发烧的 症状

  • Objective To study the effectiveness of zedoary turmeric oil and glucose injection and smecta on acute watery diarrhea .

    目的观察莪术油葡萄糖注射液、思密达治疗急性 水样 腹泻的疗效。

  • Sick chicken are mainly performance for bacteremia sepsis one side or both side paralysis or watery diarrhea .

    患病家禽主要表现为菌血症、败血症,一侧性或两侧性瘫痪或 水样 腹泻

  • If you 've been taking antibiotics and you develop watery diarrhea and abdominal pain see your clinician right away .

    如果你已经服用了抗生素且出现了 水样 和腹痛,请立即就医;

  • They say no cases of cholera have been found but this could quickly change as the number of cases of acute watery diarrhea is rising .

    他们说,没发现霍乱案例,但这个情况将随着急性 腹泻的人变多而有所改变。

  • The outbreaks usually occur during the winter as well as the early spring and the major clinical signs can be observed as severe watery or yellowish diarrhea .

    发病季节均为冬春寒冷季节,临床表现以 水样或稀薄黄白色 腹泻为主要特征。

  • Recurrent episodes of abdominal pain and watery diarrhea were the most common symptoms . Low grade fever emaciation anemia and skin joint and perianal symptoms could be found .

    腹痛与 腹泻为主要的肠道症状,但尚有低热、消瘦、贫血及皮肤、关节与肛周等多系统症状。