


  • Lossless Fragile Watermark Based on Directional Wavelet and Histogram Shift

    基于方向小波和直方图平移的无损脆弱 水印

  • The embedding position of the watermark is determined by a key and the security is enhanced .

    而且 水印嵌入位置可由密码控制,增强了算法的保密性。

  • A utilizable Digital watermark system should own good Robustness security transparency .

    一个有效的 水印系统必须具备较强的鲁棒性、安全性和透明性。

  • The Application of Wavelet in Watermark and Target Tracking

    小波分析在 数字 水印和目标跟踪的应用

  • The idea of embedded synchronic signal is proposed which uses the synchronic signal for locating the watermark location .

    同时引入了同步信号的思想,利用同步信号和水印 序列号定位 水印 嵌入位置。

  • Audio watermarking that modulates DC level shift according to watermark has wonderful low pass and noise resistance performance .

    根据 水印调整直流电平偏移的音频水印算法具有很好的低通和抗噪性能。

  • The key point of the method is how to detect the malicious modification and the watermark copy attack .

    该计划的重点在于如何检测到恶意窜改和对 水印的拷贝攻击。

  • The random bit plane replacement method is used by the algorithm and binary image for inserting watermark is selected .

    该算法采用随机位平面替换方法,选用二值图像作为待嵌入 水印

  • Application of the Digital Watermark Technology in Watermarking Digital Camera

    数字 水印技术在数字水印数码相机中的应用

  • But in watermarking system the main aim of source coding is watermark shaping .

    但在水印系统中,信源编码的主要目的是 水印整形。

  • A novel public digital watermark algorithm based on image energy and quantization is proposed .

    提出了一个新的基于图像能量和量化的公开数字 水印算法。

  • The original images and watermarks are transformed into a multi-frequent image to be embedded in watermark .

    这种算法充分利用小波变换的特点,把原始图象和水印分解成多频段的图象来嵌入 水印

  • Electronic Seal System Based on Digital Watermark and ECC

    基于数字 水印和ECC的电子印章系统

  • Experimental results demonstrate that the watermark is invisible and robust against common image lossy compression and noise .

    实验结果表明, 算法 实现 水印具有不可见性,而且对于常见图像压缩和噪声干扰具有很好的健壮性。

  • Covariance is used to detect watermark which may reduce the influence of initial data or chaos in partially .


  • Watermark algorithm for color image based on chaos map and wavelet transform

    基于混沌映射和小波变换的彩色图像 水印算法

  • Digital watermark is the most active of the hiding technologies .

    数字 水印 技术是当前信息隐藏技术研究最为活跃的一个分支。

  • Design the detection method of watermark bars of Euros .

    提出了欧元 水印条码的识别方法。

  • The digital watermark technique is proposed based on Fresnel hologram and Discrete Cosine Transform .

    提出了一种基于数字菲涅耳全息和离散余弦变换的 数字 水印技术。

  • The watermark is extracted without the original unmarked image .

    数字 水印的提取和 图像认证不需要原始图像。

  • A new approach of digital watermark based on information optics is presented .

    提出一种新的基于信息光学的数字 水印方法。

  • This article presents a novel self-synchronizing audio watermark algorithm for shortwave narrow band channel .

    提出了一种适应于短波窄带信道的自同步音频 水印算法。

  • In the paper a new watermark algorithm based on ridgelet transformation is put forward .

    提出了一种将一 图像 信息 嵌入到脊波变换域的 水印算法。

  • A lossless scheme of a binary image watermark based on wavelet transform is proposed .

    针对二值 水印图像,提出一种基于小波的无损的 数字水印系统。

  • Two chaotic sequences are modulated according characters of chaotic system using for watermark encryption and sub image extraction .

    利用混沌系统的特点调制了两种不同的混沌序列,分别用于 水印加密和子图像的抽取。

  • Digital movies could be encoded with an invisible watermark which would carry copyright and access rights information .

    数码电影可以解码一个看不见的 水印,这个 水印装载了版权和存取权的信息。

  • No original image is needed when detecting the watermark .

    提取 水印时不需要原始图像, 实现 检测

  • On these grounds the wavelet domain optimal watermark imbedding algorithm is put forward based on the genetic algorithm .

    据此,提出了一种基于遗传算法的小波域优化 水印嵌入算法。

  • In this thesis we propose two algorithms of the embedded watermark to the image .

    在这篇论文中我们提出两种不可视 浮水印的嵌入演算法。

  • Experimental results show that embedded watermark has a certain capacity and robustness .

    试验结果和剖析表明嵌入的 水印具备很好的不可见性和鲁棒性。