wired OR

[waɪrd ɔr][ˈwaiəd ɔ:]


  • By way ofa wired or wireless communication to control the robot to achieve the basic operation suchas forward backward turn suspensions floor .

    再通过通信的方式控制机器人实现前进、后退、转弯、悬浮、 落地等基本动作。

  • In a true mesh network wired or wireless every node has a connection to every other node in the network whether directly or via hopping though intermediate nodes .

    在真正的网状网络( 有线 无线)当中,每个节点与网络中的另一个节点相连,包括直接连接和通过中间节点跳接。

  • Remote workers however are typically connected over slow unreliable wired or wireless networks .

    但是,外部员工普遍使用的是低速的,不可靠的 有线 无线的网络。

  • The Ad Hoc network is a temporary wireless system without a fixed ( wired or wireless ) infrastructure which can be deployed with fast and agility .

    ad hoc网络是一种特殊的 架构网络,具有不依赖基础设施,能够快速和灵活配置的特点。

  • The IP supervision solution is to pass wired or the lead-in IP network carries on deliver the form that the video frequency information turns with the numeral .

    IP监控解决方案就是通过 有线 或者无线IP网络把视频信息以数字化的形式来进行传输。

  • The system could be connected to the various wired or wireless sensors to achieve the home security alarm and remote control by the short message .

    该系统可以连接各种 有线 无线传感器,以短消息的方式实现对家居安防的远程报警和控制。

  • Sensor network is a measurement and control system linked by mounts of sensor nodes communicated through certain wired or wireless protocols .

    传感器网络是由一定数量的传感器节点通过某种 有线 无线协议联结而成的测控系统。

  • The failover mechanisms should include alternate wired or wireless connections in case for example the telecommunication provider accidentally cuts the fiber line or shuts down the wireless network connected to the consumer 's physical facility .

    故障转移机制应该包含备用 有线 无线连接,以防电信运营商意外切断连接到用户物理设施的光纤电缆或无线网络。

  • With the development of digital compression technology and the increase of storage capacity of digital storage devices and network bandwidth more and more customers access digital content through wired or wireless network .

    随着数字压缩技术的不断改进,数字存储设备的存储能力和网络带宽的持续提高,用户越来越多地通过 有线 无线网络来获取数字内容。

  • Mobile ad hoc networks have more security problems than the conventional wired or wireless networks and intrusion detection approaches as a second line of defense can make up for deficiency of intrusion prevention approaches .

    移动adhoc网络比传统的 有线 无线网络面临着更多的安全问题,入侵检测技术可作为第2道安全防线来弥补入侵预防技术的不足;

  • Wired or wired and logic

    布线 布线与逻辑

  • Whether the phenomenon referred to as a flash mob is a cure for the ennui of the wired generation or an incipient form of social protest may be open to debate .

    这种被称为快 闪族的现象,无论是网路族无所事事的特效药, 或者是社会抗议的开端,也许有待公开讨论。

  • In wired or wireless digital broadcasting wireless local area network and next generation mobile communication technology they are widely valued and deeply studied .

    无论在 有线 还是无线领域,在数字广播、无线局域网以及下一代移动通信技术中都得到了广泛的重视和深入的研究。

  • Processes in CSP form the basic building blocks for complex systems & one process can be wired up with one or more other processes ( all set to execute in parallel ) to form a network of processes .

    CSP中的进程构成了复杂系统的基本构造块&一个进程可以同一个 多个其他进程 连接起来(全都设置成并行的),从而构成一个进程网络。

  • Intelligent patrolling system through wired or wireless process the information with database and network technology to ensure the patrolling work scientific standardized and automated .

    智能巡检系统是通过 有线 无线的方式,结合数据库和网络技术对采集的数据信息进行处理,实现巡检工作的科学化、规范化和自动化。

  • PS3 Linux can access either the gigabit wired ethernet or the802.11g wireless but not both at once .

    PS3Linux既能够访问千兆以太网络, 能够访问802.11g无线网络,但不能同时访问。

  • As a sort of instant message transmitting method the real-time network communications based on the Internet or other wired or wireless networks have been flourished since the beginning of pervasive computing or informally named post-PC dominant epoch .

    网络即时通讯是在后PC时代兴起的一种以Internet网络及其他 有线 无线网络为基础的实时通讯方式。

  • The wired OR ECL signal waveforms obtained by the method are the same as those measured with oscilloscope .

    用该方法求出了ECL电路“ 线 连接时的一些波形,它们与用示波器实测的结果一致。

  • A short distance wireless communication combine wired communication or long-distance wireless communication can complement each other .

    提出的以短距离无线通信为基础结合 有线 远距离无线通信的系统传输方式,能够优势互补,应用 前景 非常 广阔

  • The mobile Ad Hoc network is a wireless system without a fixed ( wired or wireless ) infrastructure .

    adhoc网络是一种不需要固定基础设施 支撑 由若干移动节点组成的自组织无线网络。

  • In the past adopting wired or radio station to organize network had the shortcomings of high cost incomprehensive coverage and low reliability .

    以往采用 有线 无线电台通信 方式组网,常常存在费用高、覆盖范围小和可靠性低的问题。

  • An application may be defined and wired at implementation or deployment while the rules may be managed in running systems .

    应用程序可以在实现 时或部署时定义和 连接,而规则可以在正在运行的系统中进行管理。

  • No matter wired or wireless the network communication tools have already become major coordination media for the interpersonal conversation .

    无论是 有线 无线之网路通讯工具,无形中已成为人际间沟通的要角。

  • Now it 's wired or nailed secured .

    现在则 铁丝 钉子加固。

  • This unit represents the network connection such as a wired or wireless Ethernet connection .

    该单元显示了网络连接,例如 有线 或者无线的以太网连接。

  • Which multi-media transmission local area network usually adopt is wired cable or fiber . This kind of LAN is called Wireless LAN .

    局域网采用的媒体传输媒介多为 有线电缆 或者光纤,这种局域网称为有线局域网。

  • The B / S model which can be linked to Campus Net by wired or wireless network can provide select browse audio play for the teachers and students .

    B/S模式部分通过 有线 无线校园网络供师生查询、下载和点播。

  • Multimedia content protection technology protects multimedia data against the threats coming from unauthorized users especially in wired or wireless network environment .

    多媒体内容保护技术能够保护数据不被未授权用户盗用,特别是在 有线 或者无线网络环境下能够保护多媒体数据。

  • Moreover RoF networks also deliver greater geographical coverage and tractability as compared to using either wired or wireless technology .

    更进一步,与 有线 或者无线技术相比,RoF系统拥有更加广阔的地理覆盖范围和易处理性。