


  • These bloody trials have been the historical event what we call witch-hunt .

    这些血腥的审判 构成了被我们称之为 的历史事件。

  • To explain why the great European witch-hunt took place historians have done a lot of research on its social context and legal foundations .

    为了解释欧洲的大 为何 得以发生,历史学家们对它的社会背景和法律基础进行了大量的研究。

  • Mr Tron denies any wrongdoing and says he is the victim of a witch-hunt .

    特隆否认自己犯了任何错误,并称他是 排除异己 活动的受害者。

  • Whatever the challenges that beset our society we should not resort to the dangerous ways of intellectual censure and religious witch-hunt added Dr Abdul Bari .

    阿卜杜拉·巴里补充到:“无论我们遇到的困扰社会的挑战是什么,我们都不应该采取思想责难和宗教上的 政治 迫害 这样危险的方式。”。

  • His response reveals the real reason why politicians have launched a witch-hunt against speculators .

    他的回应揭示了政界人物对 投机者发起攻击的真实原因。

  • Nor do I have any illusion that public or private prosecutions will resolve bigger structural flaws ( in fact a witch-hunt might be a media distraction ) .

    同时对于公共或私人诉讼将解决更大的结构性问题,我也不抱任何幻想实际上, 政治 迫害可能只是媒体的一种消遣。

  • However social and legal factors are only necessary conditions of witch-hunt but not sufficient conditions of witch-hunt not enough to arouse and sustained such a movement . From these points of view it is difficult to fully explain the reasons of witch-hunt .

    但社会和法律因素仅仅只是 的必要条件而不是充分条件,不足以激起和维持这样一场运动,从这些角度出发,很难完全解释产生猎巫的原因。

  • He led a McCarthyite witch-hunt against homosexuals .

    他对同性恋者实行麦卡锡式的 迫害

  • I immediately felt that this was a witch-hunt and that Hamid was gonna pay a high price .

    我立刻意识到这是 政治 迫害,而哈密德将要付出高额代价。

  • Zhu is representative of countless Chen fans quietly supportive and awaiting his return whose voices were rarely heard in the media witch-hunt that followed the scandal .

    朱正是陈冠希不计其数的粉丝中的典型代表,他们静静地支持着自己的 偶像,等待着他的复出,而在 爆出艳照 之后的媒体 报道中,他们的声音几乎很少被听到。