with the naked eye

[wɪð ði ˈnekɪd aɪ][wið ðə ˈneikid ai]


  • With the naked eye Prince Andrey saw to the right below them a dense column of French soldiers coming up towards the Apsheron regiment not over five hundred paces from where Kutuzov was standing .

    安德烈公爵在右下方,离库图佐夫至多五百步远的地方, 肉眼望见冲上山来迎击阿普舍龙兵团官兵的密密麻麻的法国纵队。

  • Never look directly at the sun either with the naked eye or through telescopes or binoculars without the proper filters .

    无论是 还是使用望远镜,包括没有装配合适的滤光镜的望远镜,都决不能直视太阳。

  • The proportion of observers who could see more than 30 stars within the constellation of Orion with the naked eye – a measure of a truly dark sky – rose from 1 per cent in 2011 to 2 per cent in 2012 and 5 per cent this year .


  • ' If you go out 30 minutes before sunrise w_606 you should be able to see it with the naked eye . ' But that was only if ISON had survived Thursday 's flyby .

    他说,如果你在(日出)30分钟前来到户外,你应该就能 肉眼看到它。不过前提是伊森能在周四飞过太阳时存活下来。

  • The Greeks observed only five planets because five are all we can see with the naked eye : Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter and Saturn .

    希腊人之所以只观察到5颗行星,是因为 肉眼只能观察到这5颗行星:水星、金星、火星、木星和土星。

  • They are just large enough to see with the naked eye .

    它们的大小 肉眼正好可以看到。

  • Five out of the100 billion galaxies with the naked eye .

    在一千亿个星系中, 肉眼看得见五个。

  • Finish : This is good or bad can be seen with the naked eye .

    表面处理:这一点 肉眼就可以看出好坏。

  • Scientists said the eclipse could be safely observed with the naked eye .

    科学家表示本次月食 观测是安全的。

  • Venus can be seen with the naked eye .

    金星可用 肉眼看到。

  • The particles are much too small to be seen with the naked eye but have been detected using a type of x-ray that is especially good at picking up trace amounts of metals and minerals .

    这种树叶中含有的黄金粒子十分微小,不足以 肉眼 观察到,但是 科学家们通过一种专门探查微量金属和矿物的X射线仪器发现了它们。

  • Can one see beyond white clouds With the naked eye ?

    凡人 肉眼能看穿白云吗?

  • But you can see the difference with the naked eye .

    但你 肉眼就能看出差别。

  • That star is too far away to see with the naked eye .

    那颗星太远, 肉眼无法看见。

  • Microscope will reveal much that cannot be seen with the naked eye .

    显微镜可以看到许多 肉眼 不见 东西。

  • Bodhisattva children born in2008 will be highly perceptive perceiving not only the underlying unconscious dance but will be born with the gift of seeing energy with the naked eye .

    生于2008年的菩萨孩子将是高度觉察的,不仅觉察到潜在的无意识舞蹈,也生来 具有 看到能量 能力。

  • With the naked eye and the operating microscope observed the distribution of characteristics of the facial nerve .

    通过 肉眼及手术显微镜下观察面神经的分布特点。

  • The Leonid meteor shower happens every year in mid-November and it is very easy to observed with the naked eye .

    狮子座流星雨于每年的11月中旬降临, 就可以非常容易地观察到。

  • The result seemed fine when viewed with the naked eye but under the microscope the resolution and contras were poor .


  • They are highly visible during daytime and nighttime environments both with the naked eye and with image intensification devices . It is somewhat like being on a movie set : what seems real is sustained by an array of devices .


  • The Great Wall is our country ancient people of a proud the Great Wall ( 6330 km ) in space with the naked eye is clear .

    长城是我国现代人们的一个自豪,长城全长6330公里,在太空上, 肉眼 是了如指掌。

  • Although it is just possible to see Uranus with the naked eye under ideal circumstances it was the musician and mathematician Sir William Herschel who formally identified Uranus in March 1781 .

    在最理想的情况下可以 肉眼看到天王星,在1781年3月音乐家,数学家威廉赫歇尔爵士正式确认天王星。

  • Thus the extrusive rocks usually have a finer texture in which crystals are too small to be seen with the naked eye .

    这样一来,喷出岩通常具有微细结构,其巾矿物颗粒因太细小而 肉眼无法 辨认

  • You can 't see them with the naked eye .


  • That which can be done with the naked eye is called visual inspection ; that which is done by gauges is called dimensional inspection .

    肉眼检查 叫目测,使用检 来检查的工具检测。

  • There 's so much going on that you can 't see with the naked eye .

    有很多正在发生的事情 肉眼是无法察觉

  • The technique involves applying four per cent acetic acid ( vinegar ) to the uterine cervix and examining it with the naked eye under bright light .

    这项技术使用4%的乙酸(醋)涂抹宫颈,然后在亮光下 肉眼检查宫颈。

  • But because there are a large quantity of images to analyze the image content with the naked eye becomes not reality .

    但由于图像数量很大, 人工 肉眼来分析图像内容变得不现实。

  • It should be noted that when we refer to rapid in relation to plants-it is not super fast-but it is definitely visible with the naked eye .

    应当指出的是,我们提到的植物枝叶“快速”摇动它的速度不是真的很快只是我们能 肉眼 看到而已。

  • These stars are too small to be seen with the naked eye .

    这些星星太小, 肉眼观察不到。