with right

[wɪð raɪt][wið rait]

[经] 有认购新股的权利

  • He could just reach the man 's head with his right hand .

    他举起 右手刚刚能够到那个男人的头。

  • Does each portfolio project have appropriate resources including staff with the right skill sets ?

    是否每个组合计划都具备了合适的资源,包括 具备适当技能的员工?

  • But with the right choices conflict is not inevitable .


  • With the right tool reviewers can log bugs and discuss them with the author as necessary .


  • He was still conscious trying to stem the bleeding with his right hand .

    他依然清醒,正试图 右手止血。

  • Fewer people write with their left hand than with their right .

    用左手写字的人比 右手的人少。

  • But you have to come with me right now .

    但你必须 现在 我一起走。

  • All soldiers must salute with the right hand .

    军人必须举 右手敬礼。

  • Fill the blank spaces with right words .


  • I cant talk with you right now .

    现在我不能 你交谈。

  • This is the right move at the right time with the right partner .

    它是在正确的时间 正确的伙伴采取的正确行动。

  • But we can embossed it with logo right ?

    但我们可以 浮雕图案的 权利呢?

  • They caught up with me right after we split up .

    我们一分手他们 抓到了我。

  • He grabbed at a protrusion of rock with his right hand .


  • Complete the blank with right numbers .

    在空格里 正确的数字。

  • Speaking after McCain Obama surveyed the audience and said : There is no other crowd in America that I 'd rather be palling around with right now .

    麦凯恩讲话后,奥巴马环顾在坐的人说,“ 现在,在美国没有任何一群人比这群人让我更愿意 结交的了。”

  • You chip away at the problem until somebody comes up with the right answer

    你们要不断地琢磨这个问题直到有人得出 正确答案为止。

  • Ransom was in the right place at the right time with the right entrepreneurial play .

    兰瑟姆在 正确的时间 地点,成立了一家正确的企业。

  • We 'd be with them right now .

    我们现在就 他们 一样了。

  • Do you have people with the right leadership skills and decision-making abilities to handle the crisis successfully ?

    你有 拥有领导技巧并能成功处理危机的决策能力的人吗?

  • The calculator application has a text field with right justification specified by the TRAILING keyword .

    计算器应用程序有一个通过TRAILING关键字指定的 对齐的文本字段。

  • Start with the right vision and practices and learn process by doing it .

    应该从 正确的远景和实践开始,在实践中学习过程。

  • Are the services implemented with the right level of decomposition and granularity ?

    服务 使用 适当的分解和粒度级别实现吗?

  • Provide a data type for these variables both with the right type and with the right multiplicity .

    为这些变量提供一个数据类型,确保 使用 正确的类型和正确的多样性。

  • After cleaning the skin first take proper amount of the cream and paint the face in harmony with right massage action can use it directed by beautician .

    使用方法:洁肤后,取适量涂抹于脸部, 配合 正确按摩的动作使用,可依照美容师指示使用。

  • You can run with it right away on any database tool without further configuration .

    您可以在任何数据库工具上 立即运行它而无需进一步配置。

  • I need to speak with her right this minute

    现在就需要 她谈谈

  • He began to have trouble with his right knee .

    他的 膝盖开始出现不适。

  • We matched people with the right jobs in our own company .

    我们在自己的公司实现了员工 合适职位的匹配。

  • To see this feature while in the Java Editor simply point-and-click with right mouse button down on any one of the generated SQL statements .

    在Java编辑器中,要查看这个特性,只需在任何生成的SQL语句上单击鼠标 键。