WITH statement

[计] 限定语句

  • Do you agree or disagree with this statement ? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer .

    你同意这个 观点吗?为什么,解释详细的原因,并 恰当的例子来支持你的论点。

  • For all of these reasons I cannot agree with the statement that quick decisions are always wrong .

    基于以上种种理由,我不 同意仓促决定一定是错的这样的 说法

  • The report author replies back with the statement that only null suppression is required on both columns and rows .

    报表创建者回复 ,在行和列上都仅需要nullsuppression。

  • The delegation of Mozambique associated itself with the statement made by the delegations of Morocco and benin made on behalf African countries and the ldcs respectively .

    莫桑比克代表团 赞同摩洛哥代表团和贝宁代表团分别代表非洲国家和最不发达国家所作的 发言

  • Most adults who are learning a second language would disagree with this statement .

    正在学第二语言的多数成年人可能不 同意这种 说法

  • The UK appeared to agree with the statement .

    英国似乎对该 声明表示 赞同

  • What you are now doing does not quite tally with your statement .

    你现在的所作所为 声称的不大一致。

  • The beggar 's accent is inconsistent with his statement that he is a german .

    这乞丐自称 德国人,但口音却不像。

  • I could not agree with such statement .

    我不 赞同这样的 声明

  • By combining the algorithm above with statement coverage metric an evaluation system for observability-based statement coverage metric OCM_Statistics is realized .

    将基于FUD链的可观测性评估算法 语句覆盖准则相结合,实现了可观测性语句覆盖准则的评估系统OCMStatistics。

  • The Pilot Mark granted is displayed as below together with its statement of use and disclaimer for reference .

    下图为试点标志 与其使用及免责 声明供试点计划参与者参考。

  • The IBA responded yesterday with a statement saying it was surprised at the Minister 's reaction .

    爱尔兰赌博业者协会昨天 发表 声明来回应说,他们对部长的反应感到“惊讶”。

  • If he replies with a statement repeat what he said and wait for him to elaborate .

    如果他 一段 陈述作为回应,重复他所说的,然后等待他详细解释。

  • What the witness said in court was not consistent with the statement he made to the police .

    证人在法庭上说的 他对警察的 陈述不一致。

  • Valid documents verifying sources of assets and amount of capital with clear statement of ownership ;

    资产来源、资金数额及有效证明文件, 载明产权;

  • A deadlock event monitor with statement history capabilities affects all applications and increases the monitor heap usage by the DB2 database manager .

    带有 语句历史功能的死锁事件监视器适用于所有应用程序,会增加DB2数据库管理程序对监视器堆的大量使用。

  • I agree with your statement in principle but I disagree on some details .

    我原则上 同意你的 声明,但在某些细节上我有不同的意见。

  • Do you find yourself identifying with this statement ?

    你是否发现自己也认同这一 说法

  • I couldn 't more strongly disagree with this statement .

    一派胡言我是不可能 同意的。

  • The delegation of Japan associated itself with the statement made by the delegation of Italy on behalf of group B.

    日本代表团 赞同意大利代表团代表b集团的 发言

  • Write an essay in which you agree or disagree with this statement based on evidence from our readings and class discussions .

    基于我们的阅读资料和课堂讨论写一篇论文,陈述你 这种 说法的赞成或不 赞成的看法。

  • Club has expressed dissatisfaction with the statement but to no avail .

    俱乐部曾就此 发表 声明表示 不满,但仍无济于事。

  • I disagree with this statement and there are several reasons and instances as follows supporting my view .

    我不 同意这个 观点,下面我说一些我的观点的理由。

  • In contrast all the experts disagreed ' mostly ' or ' strongly ' with this statement .

    同时所有专家都不 同意这个 说法

  • If his reply agrees with your statement you shall be publicly cleared from every imputation .

    要是他的回信 你的 叙述相符,那就当众给你雪洗这一切莫须有的罪名。

  • Start Your Speech With a Statement

    总结性的 陈述开始你的演讲

  • Compliance review with the Statement of Labor Values was not part of our original scope he said .

    就劳工价值 声明开展合规核查,并不属于我们最初的职责范围,他说。