with a bad grace

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  • He welcomed her with a bad grace . willing to carry out the orders or wishes of another without protest .

    情愿 接待她。心甘情愿地执行别人的命令或心愿的。

  • He took his defeat with a bad grace .

    他对自己的失败 表现 不够 风度

  • Mary did the washing with a bad grace .

    玛丽 勉强把衣服洗完了。

  • He welcomed her with a bad grace .

    情愿 接待她。

  • Miss Price I give way to you with a very bad grace ; but I sincerely hope you will have a pleasant ride and that I may have nothing but good to hear of this dear delightful beautiful animal .

    普莱斯小姐,真 不好意思让你久等了,我衷心希望你骑得快快活活的,也看望这匹心爱的、讨人喜欢的、漂亮的马样样令你 满意