with this understanding

[wɪð ðɪs ˌʌndɚˈstændɪŋ][wið ðis ˌʌndəˈstændiŋ]


  • In line with this understanding the author strives to describe clearly the characteristic of thought of poetry during dynasty alternation from Ming to Qing .

    按照 认识,本文力求清晰地描述明清易代之际诗歌思想的特色。

  • With this rudimentary understanding of expert and expertise we discuss the possibility of ethics expertise by applying this analysis to the four subdomains of ethics .

    我们把 上述对专家及专家意见的基本 理解运用到伦理学的四个子领域来探讨伦理专家意见的可能性。

  • At any point in the life cycle the precision of the subordinate artifacts should be in balance with this understanding at compatible levels of detail and reasonably traceable to each other .

    在生命周期中的任意一点,次要工件的精确性应 这种 理解相平衡,在详细程度上保持一致,相互之间保持一定程度的可追踪性。

  • And with this understanding focused on a special system for the lens'assembling and adjustment .

    在此 基础上介绍了一种光刻镜头专用装校系统;

  • With this understanding let 's take a look at a viewer example .

    理解 这个之后,让我们去浏览一个检查器实例。

  • With this understanding you then become grateful for all who touch your life even those who do so in a harmful way .

    这份 理解,你会感激所有进入你生命中的人,甚至是那些曾经伤害过你的。

  • With this basic understanding in place it 's quite easy to modify Listing 2 to make it more interactive .

    上述基本 理解之后,您可以很轻松地修改清单2使其更具交互性。

  • He will come with this understanding this he is not to be detained .

    如果他来了没有人 拘捕 他的话,他会来的。

  • In the model B / S is the main body C / S is the assistant . With this understanding the thesis confirms the main frame of cooperative tools .

    通过对协同工具模式的分析,出于对通用性和易 性的考虑提出了以B/S为主,C/S为辅的工作模式, 在此 基础上,确定了协同工具系统组织结构 运行环境的总体框架。

  • With this understanding this paper analyzes the convergence of Genetic Algorithms on the view of Information Convergence .

    在此 基础上,利用信息凝聚的观点对算法收敛性加以分析。

  • Introduces the multimedia communication protocol H. 324 and H. 323 of ITU-T and SIP of IETF . With this understanding it makes analysis and comparison for them and makes analysis and prospect for the intercommunication of different protocols .

    对ITU&T的多媒体通信协议H324和H323以及IETF的SIP进行了介绍, 在此 基础上对它们进行了分析和比较,并对不同协议间的互通进行了分析和展望。

  • Hope to reflect with this the public understanding science actually influenced by a lot of factors combine our country discussing the favorable and unfavorable to the public .

    希望以此 说明“公众 理解科学”的发展是许多因素共同作用的结果。并在此基础上初步探讨了这样的研究发现对我国“公众 理解科学”的借鉴意义。

  • The optimal technologic formulations were obtained through optimizing experiments and with this understanding the adhesion of the achieved coatings was tested .

    经过优化试验,获得最佳工艺配方,并检测 镀层 结合力。

  • The concept of corporate social responsibility and its subject are dealt with . After this a basic understanding of corporate social responsibility can be obtained .

    首先从公司社会责任的历史渊源 说起,通过 公司社会责任的概念、公司社会责任的主体的论述对公司社会责任有一个基本的 认识

  • With this understanding both security schemes established by stored procedure and application role were discussed .

    在此 基础上,探讨了利用存储过程使用建立安全机制和利用应用程序角色建立安全机制两种方案。

  • With this understanding we made the agreement .


  • With this greater understanding the surgical principles of treating torn or damaged menisci evolved to their repair and preservation whenever possible .

    这个更大的 谅解,尽可能保存的手术治疗原则的半月板撕裂或损坏的修复和发展。

  • With this understanding using an assembly tool like the Application Server Toolkit can be quite effective .

    了解 这些内容后,使用组装工具(如ApplicationServerToolkit)是十分有效的。

  • We look for indicators of SEMG which are correct reliable and easy to interpret with this understanding and try to provide theoretic reference for the applications of these indicators .

    在此基础上确定特异性和可靠性良好的表征肌肉疲劳的 SEMG指标,为进一步应用这些指标评价肌肉功能状态提供理论依据。

  • With this understanding summarizes the design and development policies for Intranet network management . More over this paper proposes one solution to integrate network management platform ( NMP ) and Web pattern into Intranet network management system ( INMS ) .

    在此 基础上,阐述适应Intranet管理需求的综合网络管理系统设计原则与开发方法,提出以管理功能集成网络管理平台与Web技术实现Intranet网络管理的综合策略。

  • With this understanding a new e-learning formalistic model based on the Petri network technology is presented in this article and the change and state in the model act as a token of an Atom Activity and a Learning State in an e-learning progress .

    针对在线学习过程的 这种 特性,本文运用Petri网技术提出了一种在线学习形式化模型,而模型中的变迁和状态表征了在线学习过程中教学原子活动与学习状态。

  • With this basic understanding of DOM and the differences between DOM and SAX you don 't need to know much more .

    基本 理解DOM以及DOM和SAX的差异之后,就没什么好说的了。

  • With this understanding overseas marketing restrictions on our textiles and garment are finely synthesized . In this paper these restrictions are mainly put into three types namely postulate type of rule barrier type of rule and gray type of rule .

    在此基础上, 海外市场主要限制我国纺织品服装进口的规则进行了细致地研究,将这些准入规则分为三类,即条件型规则、壁垒型规则和灰色规则。

  • With this understanding the rule of mode and response control of flywheel-bracket-groupware and the control practice are presented .

    在此 基础上,对飞轮支架组件的模态与响应控制的规律及如何控制进行若干分析。

  • Consistent with this understanding China does not simply punish criminals ; instead it emphasizes reform and change for the better .

    根据 认识,中国对于罪犯不是单纯进行惩罚,而着重于改造和转化。

  • With this fundamental understanding it 's a good time to take a look at how Geronimo interoperates with external CORBA clients and components .

    这些基本的 了解后,现在可以看看如何实现Geronimo与外部CORBA客户机和组件的互操作了。

  • It was in line with this understanding that China supported the indefinite extension of the NPT .

    正是 基于 这样 认识,中国支持《不扩散核武器条约》的无限期延长。

  • With this understanding the dynamic stress strain curves of steel fiber reinforced concrete without coarse aggregate under two strain rates were obtained by the direct measurement method of strain gauge . The results from the present method and traditional SHPB technique were compared .

    在此 基础上, 应变计直接测量应变法得到了无骨料钢纤维增强混凝土的两个应变率下的应力-应变曲线,并与传统方法的结果进行了分析比较。

  • With this understanding the transforming mechanism from the formal interrogation to the functional negation in different types of rhetorical question mood is probed .

    在此 基础上,根据反问句式的不同,分类探讨反问由形式上的疑问到功能上否定的转化机制。