wish fulfillment

[wɪʃ fʊlˈfɪlmənt][wiʃ fʊlˈfɪlmənt]


  • The genius of JK Rowling was that she grounded the wish fulfillment of a real kid with magical powers in the context of the real world . You enter the fantasy with her Lionel Wigram a production executive at Warner Bros told the Los Angeles Times .

    华纳兄弟公司执行制片人 昂纳尔威格拉姆对《洛杉矶时报》表示:J.K.罗琳的才华在于她讲述了在真实世界里,一个有血有肉的小魔法师是如何 实现 愿望的,你可以和它一同融入这个魔幻世界。

  • He viewed all dreams as wish fulfillment .

    他认为所有的梦境都是 愿望 满足

  • Youre pretty special and I wish you continued success and artistic fulfillment but most of all I wish you love and contentment .

    你如此特别,我 希望你能继续成功,取得 完满的艺术 成就,最重要的,我希望得到你的爱,愿你万事如意。

  • I wish you success and fulfillment in the years ahead .

    你事业成功, 幸福 美满万事 如意

  • It 's our greatest wish fulfillment .

    那是我们最大的 梦想 成为 现实

  • But the strong Freudian view about symbolism and wish fulfillment has not been supported by the study of dreams .

    但是弗洛依德关于症状的强大观点和 愿望满足是不被梦的研究所支持。

  • Joy and fun wish fulfillment and blessing come to your home this Thanksgiving !

    感恩节里尽情享受快乐吧, 梦想成真!

  • The actress was told how JK Rowling saw her decision to have Ron and Hermione marry and have children in the seventh and final book as ' wish fulfillment ' .

    访谈中罗琳告诉艾玛,自己让罗恩和赫敏在最后一册故事中结婚生子只是 履行 愿望