with regard to

[wɪð rɪˈɡɑrd tu][wið riˈɡɑ:d tu:]


  • Concrete subjects of cooperative research programmes will be determined with regard to the interests and possibilities of Both sides .

    合作研究计划的具体项目 根据双方的利益和可能性再定。

  • Women 's rights with regard to divorce and remarriage are also duly guaranteed .


  • The results are discussed with regard to existing theories of basic research and practice in companies .

    对调查结果进行了讨论, 考虑 研究理论的可移植性和对企业内部实战的依赖性。

  • With regard to the tasks of the primary organizations fairly comprehensive provisions are made to suit current conditions .


  • This may be particularly pertinent with regard to clinical trials of nanodrugs carried out in developing countries .

    发展中国家进行的纳米药物临床试验上可能特别 有关

  • With regard to the matter in question I will write to you in detail later .


  • Also some studies have bin carried out with regard to energy consumption .

    能耗 方面也进行了一些研究。

  • Company commission with regard to the outstanding professional people you can to provide the technical support .

    公司佣 方面优秀的专业人才能为你在技术上提供支持。

  • The talk you have may be eye-opening with regard to your present situation .

    对于现在的你,你的说话会让你自己都 眼界大开

  • Hitherto she had felt no dread with regard to the coming interview .

    先前,她 对于 即将进行的会谈并不感到害怕。

  • With regard to such people we must unite with them and educate and help them .


  • With regard to hardness the diamond is in a class by itself .

    讲硬度, 金刚钻是独一无二的。

  • Use only that equipment which is needed with regard to to laptops servers and so on .


  • I have no complaints with regard to his work .


  • Work with regard to ethnic groups religions and overseas Chinese was strengthened .

    民族、宗教 侨务工作 进一步加强。

  • How are you situated with regard to equipment ?

    的设备都 了吗?

  • The department is reviewing its policy with regard to immunisation .

    这个部门正在审度其 有关疫苗接种的政策。

  • He talked about how well we 're placed with regard to America and japan .

    谈到相对美国和日本 来说,我们的处境 多好。

  • We then consider the issues that arise with regard to offshore investor 's influence on the onshore yield curve .

    然后我们研究了境外投资人对国内收益曲线的影响所 引申出的问题。

  • This will certainly help them to make a quick decision with regard to the importation of the equipment .

    这定将有助于他们 是否进口此项设备迅速 作出决定。

  • This is our united front policy with regard to the armed forces .

    这就是 军队 问题上实行统一战线政策。

  • What is the proposition ? With regard to this problem Traditional Logic and Modern Logic have different answers .

    什么是“命题”? 这个问题传统逻辑和现代逻辑有不同的回答。

  • Ensuring that products meet customer and company requirements with regard to quality cost and efficiency ;

    确保平衡好产品和客户 公司要求的质量,价钱和效益的 协调

  • With regard to application deployment a special provision is made for supporting the concurrent deployment of applications .


  • They are silent with regard to the pernicious effects of their own gains .


  • He 's crossed the Rubicon with regard to the use of military force as an option .

    他已经 决心使用 武力

  • Until now the government has only enforced the ban with regard to American ships

    到目前为止,政府仅仅 美国船只实施了禁令。