


  • It will fly slowly only at about70kph in windless conditions .

    它飞行速度缓慢,在 无风环境下时速只有70千米。

  • The situations of horizontal tank and vertical tank exposed to pool fire under wind or windless conditions are simulated respectively .

    分别对 无风和有风条件下的池火灾作用于卧式储罐和立式储罐的 温度 进行模拟,并对储罐 表面 辐射 热流 密度进行了模拟分析。

  • Most of them are the yellow leaves of poplars which shake even in the windless air .

    这落叶大多为白杨树叶,它们即使在 无风 日子 也颤动 身体

  • Minimum temperature was the main meteorological impact on this grade . On sunny and windless mornings minimum temperature of the tea canopy was less than minimum air temperature by2 ℃ to4 ℃ . A tea weather frost index was established by combining frost observation and investigation data .

    最低温度是影响茶叶霜冻等级的主要气象因子,在晴朗 无风的早晨,茶树冠层最低温度比最低气温低2-4℃,结合霜冻观测调查资料,建立了茶叶霜冻气象指标。

  • It 's windless and warm in the morning .

    早晨, 几乎 无风,很暖。

  • It 's a windless day today .

    今天是个 风平浪静的日子。

  • During the process of production of nectarine in Yanbian Area the high humidity and windless condition and no insect as pollinator in the greenhouse result in bad pollination low ratio of fruit set low production and poor benefits .

    延边地区保护地油桃生产过程中,由于室内湿度大、 无风、无授粉昆虫,导致果实授粉不良,坐果率低,产量低,效益差。

  • But even on windless days the air always smelt of something under-earth : sulphur iron coal or acid .

    甚至 无风的时候,空气里也带着一种地窖下的什么恶味。

  • It was dark now except for the small flames pointing straight upward barely fluttering on a windless night .

    现在一切都在黑暗中,只有那 两根直挺挺的小火苗在一个 无风的夜晚 一闪也不闪。

  • The overhaul of windless skin of transformer is analyzed and optimized with the new technology of production and operations management such as critical path method ( CPM ) the time of overhaul is reduced the quality of overhaul conform to the requirement .

    通过引入关键线路法的生产运作管理技术,对变压器的 检修 流程进行分析、优化,以达到压缩检修时间,确保检修进度和质量的目的。

  • These figures represent extremely bad pollution . Pollutants have gradually accumulated over the course of recent windless days making the air quality even worse said Zhu Tong a professor from the college of environmental sciences and engineering at Peking University .

    北京大学环境科学与工程学院教授朱彤说:这些数值意味着非常严重、可怕的污染,目前 北京 无风 ,新排放的污染物还在不断累积,空气质量更糟。

  • The flood tide of ammonium in the N mineralization process appeared in the 11 day of leaching time and the N mineralization quantity gradually got into a windless state .

    矿化 出来的氨氮高峰都出现在淋洗的第11天,之后逐渐 降低最后 趋于一个 的水平;

  • And in addition there was intense curiosity as to how on so fair and windless a day so strange an accident could have occurred .

    除此以外,大家还非常奇怪,象这样一个 晴朗根本 没有 的日子,怎么会发生这样离奇的意外。

  • The strong heat island existed in sunny windless weather conditions .

    强热岛出现在晴朗、 无风的天气条件下。

  • The bullhorn acacia is not a tree of the dark windless depths of the tropical rain-forest .

    牛角相思树不喜欢在阴暗不 透风茂密的热带林区中生长。

  • He prefers windless days for playing golf .

    他喜欢在 没有 的时候打高尔夫球。

  • A tinfoil region on the surface of the aero-generator can be used for solar electrical energy generation in a windless sunny day or a weak-wind sunny day .


  • Simulation Assessment of Hazardous Consequence of Poisonous Material Diffused into Atmosphere under Instantaneous Leakage and Windless Condition

    有毒化学物质瞬时泄漏 无风大气扩散的危害后果模拟分析

  • The whole windless place smelt sour and ammoniac .

    没有 一丝 ,整个 这块地方弥漫着酸臭和阿摩尼亚味道。

  • A cool and bright windless night alone on his back to lie down and quietly watch the stars the sky .

    一个清朗 无风的夜晚,独自一人仰面躺下来静静地观赏天上的点点繁星。