windows in background

[ˈwɪndoz ɪn ˈbækˌɡraʊnd][ˈwindəuz in ˈbækɡraund]


  • None of this required cables ( though for Windows computers you must first download and install a Mobile Me control panel that runs in the background ) .

    这一切都不需要电线(不过, Windows电脑用户必须先下载和安装一个 后台运行的MobileMe控制面板,然后再进行同步)。

  • When you start Windows by using a normal startup several applications and services start automatically and then run in the background .

    当您以正常方式启动 Windows时,有些程序会自动启动并 后台运行。这些程序可能包括第三方防病毒程序和系统实用程序。

  • This system adopts Windows API and Createobject () of OLE automation design and allows a method that inset TTS or add program of third party in background accomplishes effective gathering and processing of the data of criminal on voice graphic video etc.

    该系统 后台设计实现了嵌入式 TTS语音合成技术及嵌入第三方控件、外挂第三方程序实体的方法,完成了对罪犯的声音、图像、视频等样本数据进行有效的采集和处理。

  • Local report processing is always performed as a background process in the Windows Forms control .

    本地报表处理始终 windows窗体控件中作为 后台进程来执行。

  • Different anti-interference techniques such as dynamic threshold digital filter and phase windows are used in the monitoring system to remove background noise fixed band interferences and periodic pulses to make the monitored data real and reliable .

    同时将动态阈值、数字滤波及相位 开窗等抗干扰技术融合到在线监测系统 ,综合去除 背景噪声、固定频段干扰、周期性脉冲等,使监测数据真实可靠。

  • In this paper the E-Procurement which runs Windows Server 2003 is analyzed designed and implemented on the background of state vital enterprises which is based on the basic theory and technology about the research of Electronic Commerce and E-Procurement .

    作者 研究电子商务与网上采购基本理论与技术的基础上,以某国有大型企业集团公司为 背景,分析、设计并实现了可在 Windowsserver2003环境下运行的企业网上采购系统。

  • In order to develop WAP function efficiently in a handset We adopted model device based on the background of a CDMA IX handset and developed WAP emulator which ran on the Windows Operating System .

    为了能够快速有效地开发手机的上网浏览功能,以一款CDMAIX手机为开发 背景,采用模块化设计的方法开发出运行在 Windows平台的WAP模拟器。