window frame

[ˈwɪndo frem][ˈwindəu freim]


  • Everything inside the window frame is the same with different window managers .

    在不同窗口管理器下的 窗口 框架内所有东西都是相同的。

  • My appliance would use a photoresistor attached to the window frame to sense the rosy fingers of dawn .

    我的装置会用一个光敏电阻器连接到 窗框上,来感应黎明时玫瑰色晨曦的抚触。

  • A vertical member in a door or window frame .

    门面或 面的直立的部分。

  • A frame that holds the panes of a window in the window frame .


  • The FIELDSET element has the same behavior as a window frame .

    FIELDSET元素与 窗口 框架的行为有些相似。

  • Structure that is the color of a window frame .

    结构,它是 窗口 框架的颜色。

  • The mechanism can also be arranged on a window frame to act as a venetian blind or a barrier draught heat insulating window .

    该机构还可安装在 窗框上做百叶窗或屏障通风保温窗使用。

  • My high chair faced the window and Mammaw tacked playing cards up on the wooden window frame at mealtimes so that I could learn to count .

    我的高椅子面对着窗子,外婆则在吃饭时用大头钉把扑克牌一张张地钉在木头 窗框上,好让我学习数数。

  • A window frame made of insulating materials according to the principle of an electric fly-flap .

    根据电蚊蝇拍的原理,用绝缘材料做 窗框

  • Lift off trim panel for window frame at the centre using a suitable tool .

    提出 车窗 饰板中间部分,操作时使用合适的工具。

  • Conductive metal frame is used for window screen of the window frame .


  • The practice reveals that the method is easy to implement and effective which provides necessary basis for production technology formulating and die design of the automobile door and window frame .

    实践证明,该测绘方法易行有效,为加工汽车 门窗 的生产工艺制定和模具设计提供了必要的依据,从而加速了汽车零部件的国产化。

  • Polypropylene is chemically inert and compatible with all window frame materials .

    聚丙稀是一中不活泼的化学原料,所以能和所有的金属 框架很好的配合在一起。

  • Install additional window frame seal .

    安装附加 车窗 密封件。

  • The pneumatic structure controlling the opening and the closing of the window is hidden in the window frame body so that the shape of the entire window is more artistic .

    而控制窗户开关的气动结构隐藏在 窗框体内,使整个窗户外形更加美观。

  • The Study on Dimensional Stability and Screw Holding Power of Wood-based Composites for Window Frame of Wood Alu-clad Windows

    建筑 窗框用木质复合材料尺寸稳定性与握螺钉性能的研究

  • Package Door Window Frame making all kinds of wardrobe desk display cabinet ;

    包门套、 ,制作各类衣柜、办公桌、展示柜;

  • The detective examined the window frame for fingerprints .

    侦探仔细查看 窗框,寻找指纹。

  • The window frame folded up under the heavy weight of the beam .


  • The carpenter set the glass firmly in the window frame .

    木匠把玻璃牢固地嵌入 窗架里。

  • According to John the crash was not serious but it made a dent in the car door and a hole in the side window frame .

    据约翰说,撞车并不严重,不过车门撞凹陷了,侧面 窗框撞了一个洞。

  • She fixed hooks to the window frame .

    她把窗钩钉在 窗框上了。

  • Last week a window frame fell on a car in Square Street Central shattering its windscreen and causing cuts to the driver 's hands .

    上星期, 中环四方街一个 铝窗坠下,击碎了街上一 车辆的挡风玻璃,割伤了司机双手。

  • We painted our table to match the window frame in the bedroom .

    我们把桌子刷成与卧室 窗框一致的颜色。

  • Installed on window frame the utility model mainly consists of a gauze winding mechanism and two gauze guiding elements ;

    它安装在 窗框上,主要由一纱网卷收机构,二纱网导向件组成;

  • The sill of a window ( the horizontal member at the bottom of the window frame ) .

    窗户的底木( 窗框底部的水平 部分)。

  • Sometimes I peep into the room between the curtain and the window frame when they are not thinking of me .

    有时候我偷偷地从 窗帘 缝隙看他们,而他们是根本不会想到的。

  • No puncturing of any component of the existing building structures aluminium window frame shall be permitted without prior consent of the building owner or project manager .

    未经楼房业主或项目经理事先同意,不允许在现有楼房结构、铝 窗框的组件上穿孔。

  • He put mask tape round the edge of the glass while he painted the window frame

    他给 窗框上漆时,用遮蔽胶带把玻璃边缘贴住