window text

[ˈwɪndo tɛkst][ˈwindəu tekst]


  • In this window the entire text of the Subjects menu is shown as the value of the data property for the cell .

    在这个 窗口 ,主题菜单的所有 文本都以单元的数据属性值出现。

  • This program opens a new window displaying the text and an Exit button .

    这个程序首先打开一个新 窗口,然后显示 文本和一个“Exit”按钮。

  • Clicking the QuickNote button displays a small text window in which you can type text .

    单击QuickNote按钮会显示一个文本小 窗口,可以在其中输入 文本

  • The large portion of the window is the text editor .

    占此 窗口较大的部分是 文本编辑器。

  • If you used the sample program a command window is displayed that indicates the text file has been created .

    如果您使用的是示例程序,将显示一个命令 窗口,指示已创建了该 文本文件。

  • Be sure to read the instructions carefully as once you close the window that text is gone forever .

    建议细心地阅读说明,因为一旦你关掉 窗口则那些 说明就将永远消失。

  • A window containing the text box and button that you just added appears .

    将出现一个 窗口,其中包含您刚添加的 文本框和按钮。

  • This will load the application and open a Laszlo Debugger window with an input text field at the bottom .

    debug=true。这样将装载该应用程序,并打开一个LaszloDebugger 窗口窗口底部有一个输入 文本框。

  • In present study the effects of display speeds window sizes and moving steps in leading format on Chinese text reading comprehension .

    本研究考察了 显示 窗口大小、跳动步幅、显示速度等因素对引导式中文 文本的阅读工效的影响。

  • With no text fields I can drop input files anywhere on the window & much easier than having to hit a small text field .

    没有文本域,我可以在 窗口上的任何位置放下输入文件―比命中小的 文本域方便得多。

  • Instead it would be better to display a short but meaningful label and to display a preview window containing the full replacement text as soon as a specific style proposal is selected .

    相反,显示一段简短而有意义的说明性文字,一旦选定明确的样式建议,就显示一个包含完整替换 文本的预览 窗口,这样会更有意义。

  • This is very important so that you can view the results and the informational messages in one window and save the output to a text file .

    这是非常重要的,它使您可以在一个 窗口中查看结果和信息性消息,并将输出保存到 文本文件中。

  • In the window of mixed-up map and text text type and bitmap type exam questions are all displayed normally .

    图文混排 窗口中,文字型试题和位图型试题均被正常地显示出来。

  • Selectors usually appear as a pop-up window overlaying the text from the previous screen .

    选择器通常作为弹出式 窗口出现,重叠在前一个屏幕的 文本之上。

  • For example a < div > can be a pop-up window a text input or many other things .


    可以是弹出 窗口文本输入框或者其他对象。

  • When you want to delete a note you work with the note reference mark in the document window not the text in the note .

    要删除注释时,请删除文档 窗口中的注释引用标记,而非注释中的 文字

  • From a Lotus Notes mail document a floating window containing Google Map is launched by right-clicking selected text and using the context menu .

    在LotusNotes邮件文档中,右击选中的 文本或者使用上下文菜单打开包含GoogleMap的一个浮动 窗口

  • If you hover your cursor over the + sign when the method is folded a pop-up window displays the text inside the method .

    如果在方法处于折叠状态时把光标停在+号上,弹出 窗口将显示方法中的 文本

  • You can also customize this portion of the toolbar such as moving it to the left edge of the window or not showing text descriptions with each icon .

    您还可以自定义这一部分工具栏,如将它移到 窗口的左边,或者不显示每个图标的 文本说明。

  • At present window softwares are mostly designed for editing the text and some of them for prompting and helping .

    现在所流行的 窗口软件主要是用于 文本的编辑、提示和帮助。

  • Note : The command prompt window may show different text than the above .

    注意:命令提示符 窗口可能会显示比上述不同的 文字

  • You can use the find and replace window to search for text strings expressions or entity names within the code of your documents .

    “查找替换 窗口可用于在文档的代码中搜索 文本字符串、表达式或实体名称。

  • The window has three text boxes : an IP box that accepts the server 's IP at the top beneath it an editable input box for word inputting and a result box for displaying search results at the bottom .

    这个 窗口从上到下有三个 文本框:IP地址框、词语输入框和查询结果显示框。

  • The action property is available in the properties window when a text box or image is selected .

    选择 文本框或图像后,“属性 窗口中的action属性便可用了。

  • Then block-based text detection is performed i. e. a small window is used to scan the image and classified as text or non-text using Sobel edges as features .

    然后以块为单位来进行文字与非文字的分类,即用一扫描 窗口对图像进行扫描,以Sobel边缘为特征,判断其是否为 文字

  • Window overlaying the text from the previous screen .

    窗口出现,重叠在前一个屏幕的 文本之上。

  • Object representing a window on a text document which may contain multiple text panes .

    表示 文本文档上的 窗口的对象,可能包含多个文本窗格。

  • The information in the plug-in and product such as product name main window title and About text can also be globalized .

    插件和产品的信息(如产品名、主 窗口标题和About 文本)也能够被全球化。

  • Our proposed n-gram-based text copy detection method combining the n-gram method and sliding window technique makes a small amount of text feature extraction which can have a more accurate calculation of text similarity and thereby improve the algorithm efficiency .

    本文改进了基于N-Gram的文本复制检测方法,将N-Gram方法与滑动 窗口技术结合起来,使得提取少量的 文本特征就能较准确地计算文本相似度,从而提高算法的效率。

  • Represents a window containing a text document .

    表示包含 文本文档的 窗口