wine spot

[waɪn spɑt][wain spɔt]

[医] 葡萄酒色痣

  • Wine culture is a bright spot in five thousand years of Chinese civilization .

    文化,是中国五千年文明中的一道独特 风景

  • After dinner a glass of plum wine with rosemary or a bowl of apple-rosemary ice cream will really hit the spot .

    晚餐后来一杯迷迭香 梅子 ,或一碗苹果迷迭香综合口味的冰淇淋,可称得上是一大享受。

  • Though Bangkok might be making great strides in wine appreciation it 's definitely the food and not the drink that earned this street food mega-city its top spot on the list .

    尽管曼谷在 美酒上的竞争力欠佳,但是这个小吃天堂肯定是凭借其在美食上的魅力博得 头筹的。