



  • Israel would after all find it hard if not impossible to winkle out every last rocket and martyr .

    如果,以色列最后不能找出并 消灭所有的火箭弹和殉教者,它就会 知难而退

  • A thrill passed over Mr. Winkle 's frame .

    一阵颤栗掠过 克尔先生的身体。

  • The Mysterious World and Real Society in the Rip Van Winkle

    瑞普·凡·温克尔 中的神秘世界和真实社会

  • We tried to winkle an apology out of them .

    我们试图 他们道歉。

  • He somehow managed to winkle Picard out of his room

    他不知用的什么法子将 皮卡德逼出了房间。

  • This is the opinion of some Rip Van winkle .

    这是一些 不识时务的意见。

  • The consequences may be dreadful said Mr. Winkle .

    结果也许是很可怕的, 克尔先生说。

  • Mr. Jefferson recited the best dialogues of Rip Van Winkle in which the tear came close upon the smile .

    杰弗逊先生背诵了《 里普·梵·温克尔 精彩对白,这是一段笑中 含泪 感人 情节

  • I beg you won 't mention it sir said Mr winkle .

    “我请你不要介意了,先生”, 克尔先生说。

  • In the tense and tactical contests he could like Solskjaer be a specialist substitute who can winkle out a goal .

    他可以像 索尔斯克亚那样,成为一名在局面紧张和战术做调整时能带来进球的超级替补。

  • The security services will pretty well go to any lengths to winkle out information

    安全部门会不遗余力地 套取情报。

  • It will not be easy to winkle out the old guard and train younger replacements .

    解雇老警卫、再训练年轻警卫 取而代之并不是件容易的事。

  • He lost all control and attacked David winkle and his brother .

    他已经不能控制并且攻击了 大卫 和他的兄弟。

  • Just hold me at first sam will you ? @ said Mr winkle .

    “山姆,先扶我一会儿好吗?” 克尔先生 乞求

  • Winkle shells are abundant on this beach .

    这个海滩上有大量的 螺壳。

  • All this time Mr Winkle had been putting his skates on .

    这期间, 克尔先生一直都在穿冰鞋。

  • Mr. Winkle looked up at the declining orb .


  • The detective was trying to winkle information out of her .

    侦探试图 那儿 套取信息。

  • Stores use extremely clever strategies to winkle customers into making purchases .

    商店采用极其聪明的方法让 顾客买东西。

  • I 've dropped a coin between the floorboards ; try to winkle it out of there .

    我将一枚硬币掉到地板缝里去了, 想想 办法 它取出来。

  • Purpose : If the leather use for the sofa have a good flex resistance properties the product will have little chance to become winkle and the product will be more durable and more comfortable .

    用于沙发上的皮革如果有良好的抗弯折的特性,生产 出来的沙发便不容易 起皱 ,沙发会更美观耐用。

  • Some of you may know the story of Rip Van winkle .

    你们有些人可能知道《 瑞普凡 克尔 的故事。

  • In the village there lived a simple good man named Rip Van Winkle .

    村里住着一位简朴的好人,他的名字叫做李伯凡 文克

  • I managed to winkle the news out .

    我好不容易 听到 消息。

  • It would spoil my excitement if it turned out I just have a funny little winkle on the suface of my brain which makes me think about invisible train platforms .

    如果结果证明让我想到那些暗藏的火车站台的是我大脑表面的一个有趣的 小田螺型组织,将会让我很扫兴。

  • They usually manage to winkle out of people what they want to know .

    他们经常能 设法 出别人的话, 听到想要知道的事。

  • He played Rip Van Winkle . I had often read the story but I had never felt the charm of Rip 's slow quaint kind ways as I did in the play .

    我曾经读过这个故事,可是我从来不觉得 里普那慢条斯理、奇特而友善的行为方式有什么过人之处。

  • One of my dearest memories is of the time when Joseph Jefferson allowed me to touch his face and hands as he went through some of the gestures and speeches of his beloved Rip Van Winkle .

    我最宝贵的记忆之一是那次约瑟夫 杰佛逊 表演完他心爱的 角色 瑞普 克尔的动作和对白后让我摸他的脸和手。

  • The stranger took Mr winkle 's measure with his eye .

    陌生人用他的眼睛打量一下 文克先生的 身材