Windows start

[ˈwɪndoz stɑrt][ˈwindəuz stɑ:t]


  • The installation program will also allow you to add a shortcut to SQuirreL to your Windows Start menu .

    其安装程序还允许您在 Windows 开始菜单中添加SQuirreL的快捷方式。

  • And they are annoyed that Microsoft has replaced the familiar Windows Start Menu with the Start Screen in Windows 8 .

    微软(Microsoft)在Windows8里面用开始屏幕取代了这些 用户熟悉的 开始菜单,他们对此感到恼火。

  • If you are using Windows Vista you must enter the information in the text bar in the Start menu .

    如果使用 WindowsVista,那么必须在 Start菜单中的文本栏中输入信息。

  • After the installation I created shortcuts to start and stop the application server and added them to the Windows Start menu .

    安装之后,我创建了启动和停止服务器的快捷方式,并将它们添加到 Windows的“ 开始”菜单中。

  • If you 've ever noticed Mac OS has its Apple menu on the top left and Windows has its start menu in the bottom left really for no compelling reason .

    如果你注意到,你会发现,Mac操作系统,在其左上角是Apple菜单, Windows却把它的 开始菜单,放在左下角,毫无理由可言。

  • After you finish setting up windows click Control Panel on the start menu .

    完成 windows安装后,单击「 开始」菜单上的“控制面板”。

  • For Internet Explorer fire up the Windows Update app under the Start Menu .

    对于IE浏览器来说,打开 开始菜单里的 Windows更新应用。

  • The advantages and software-hardware environment needed in construct Windows 95 non-disk workstation are described in the paper . The steps to construct this kind of workstation in Windows NT and the method to add DOS and Windows 95 non-disk workstation to remote start server also expounded .

    介绍了组建Win95无盘工作站的优点及所需的软硬件环境,详细阐述了在NT4.0平台下组建Win95无盘工作站的基本过程以及将DOS, Windows95无盘工作站添加到远程 启动服务器的方法。

  • Maintenance windows typically consist of a start time and duration .

    维护 窗口通常由 起始时间和持续时间组成。

  • When people celebrate a sports championship if they see someone breaking store windows they might start breaking windows themselves or even steal from the store .

    当人们为一个体育冠军欢庆时,如果看到有人砸商店的 橱窗,那么他们自己也可能 动手砸,甚至还偷商店的东西。

  • Start the MMC by clicking Run from the Windows Start menu then type mmc for the command name .

    Windows 开始菜单中单击Run以启动MMC,然后在命令名称中键入mmc。

  • Windows service design methods and to start Windows services for registration and participation in parallel distributed Split service node ; and finally introduced a spherical mesh of specific distributed parallel subdivision technology architecture and processing process and gives a specific experiment .

    Windows服务的设计方法以及Windows服务用于注册和 启动参与并行的分布式剖分的服务节点。最后具体介绍了球面网格分布式并行剖分的技术架构和处理流程,并给出了具体的实验过程。

  • The user can start the WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition agent or put it into the Startup folder to have Windows ® start it automatically .

    用户可以启动WebSphereMQFileTransferEdition代理,或将其放置到启动文件夹中让 Windows®自动 启动它。

  • Windows service start the instance by starting service on each server that runs a hosted event provider generator or distributor .

    windows服务,则通过在运行宿主事件提供程序、生成器或分发服务器的每台服务器上启动服务来 启动实例。

  • Windows could not start Setup from the local system .

    Windows无法从本地系统 启动安装程序。

  • Windows cannot start the certificate trust list wizard .

    windows无法 启动证书信任列表向导。

  • Use this file to make the necessary changes to allow X Windows to start correctly .

    使用此文件进行必要的更改,以允许X Windows正确 启动

  • If you make the program available both online and offline an entry is added to the windows start menu so that the user can launch the program .

    如果使程序在联机和脱机时都可用, windows的“ 开始”菜单中将会添加一项,以便用户可以启动该程序。

  • On the windows start menu point to control panel and then click date time language and regional options .

    windows 开始”菜单上,指向“控制面板”,再单击“日期、时间、语言和区域设置”。

  • If you don 't want to wait for the reminder you can run the Product Activation Wizard by clicking activate Windows on the start menu .

    如果不想等待提醒,您可以在「 开始」菜单上单击“激活 windows”来运行“产品激活向导”。

  • This will cause Windows to start calculating the interval from the start .

    这会使 windows从激活 计数器时才 开始计算时间间隔。

  • On the windows start menu click control panel .

    windows的“ 开始”菜单上,单击“控制面板”。

  • On the windows start menu point to programs point to accessories and then click windows explorer .


  • Double-clicking this program in Windows Explorer will start the shell .

    Windows资源管理器中,双击此程序即可 启动shell。

  • Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt .

    视窗无法 启动,因为下列文件丢失或舞弊。

  • In Windows click on Start > Run to bring up a command window .

    Windows 系统 ,点击 开始>运行打开命令行窗口。

  • Run dcpromo : Click your Windows Start button select Run = > dcpromo and then click OK .

    运行dcpromo:单击 Windows Start按钮,选择Run=>dcpromo,再单击OK。

  • In Windows Vista on the Start menu click All Programs click Accessories and click Run .

    WindowsVista中, 开始菜单点按“所有程序”,再点按“附件”,然后点按“运行”。

  • Click the windows start button and then click run .

    单击 windows开始”按钮,然后单击“运行”。