


  • Happiness is perched on your windowsill invite it in .

    快乐就栖息在你的 ,把它请进来

  • A box for growing plants on a windowsill .

    窗台 生长的植物的盒子。

  • A hungry little robin dropped onto the windowsill .

    一只饥饿的小知更鸟降落到 窗台

  • B : I 'm trying to put the flowerpot on the windowsill .

    我想把这个花盆放到 窗台

  • Some people take to leadership like a cat to a warm windowsill .

    一些人视领导能力,像一个温暖 窗台 的猫。

  • I will keep on windowsill a sunflower because it is like sunshine to my warm .

    窗台 我要养一株太阳花,因为它就像阳光给我温暖。

  • You were doing chin-ups on the windowsill right ?

    你其实是在 窗台 做引体向上呢,对不对?

  • I would line up my toys on this windowsill and play

    我会把玩具排在这个 窗台 上来玩。

  • Little Donkey left the potato on the windowsill .

    小驴子把马铃薯 在了 窗台

  • Yeah . And while I was leaning on the windowsill my pacifier fell out of my mouth .

    是的。当我靠着 窗沿的时候,我的奶嘴掉了出去。

  • She saw a potato on her windowsill .

    发现 窗台 有一个马铃薯。

  • There are dots of soot on the windowsill . His feet found the window-ledge .

    窗台 有一点烟灰。他的双脚触到了窗台。

  • You can ripen the tomatoes on a sunny windowsill .

    西红柿放在有阳光的 窗台 可以让它们成熟。

  • She picked up a pair of scissors from the windowsill .

    她从 窗台 拿起一把剪刀。

  • Your blood is on his windowsill .

    你的血流在他的 窗沿

  • Now the little boy stopped playing to lean on the windowsill and gaze out at the rain .

    现在,小男孩不玩了, 静静地俯在 窗台 ,看着外面的雨。

  • The day I saw you sitting on the bright windowsill .

    那天,我见你坐在明亮的 窗台

  • There are dots of soot on the windowsill .

    窗台 有一点烟灰。

  • I 'll leave the potato on her windowsill .

    我要把马铃薯 在她的 窗台

  • He saw the Cat on the windowsill then in his bed then lying across his important papers .

    他看到猫 窗台 ,然后是他的床上,然后躺在他的重要文件上。

  • She then climbed onto the windowsill trying to find her grandmother .

    然后她就爬到 窗台 找奶奶。

  • The bird hopped up onto the windowsill looking for crumbs .

    鸟儿跳上了 窗台寻找面包屑。

  • If they are small they can line a windowsill .

    如果他们是小,他们可以线 窗台

  • Can you help me sit on the windowsill ?

    你能帮我坐到 窗台 上去吗?

  • Sue pulled the shade down to the windowsill and motioned Behrman into the other room .

    苏娥把窗帘拉到了 窗台,打手势把贝尔曼带进另一个房间。

  • He laid the shoes carefully on the windowsill to display them .

    他小心翼翼地把这双鞋放在 窗台 展示。

  • There were potted plants on the windowsill .

    窗台 着盆栽植物。

  • He 's got a few plants in pots on the windowsill .

    他在 窗台 了几盆植物。

  • Pots of geraniums stood on the windowsill .

    窗台 几盒天竺葵。

  • I see you on the kitchen windowsill watching the birds on my favorite chair on my desk lying on the papers I need on the pillow next to my head at night .

    我经常见到你在厨房地 窗台 看鸟在我最喜欢的椅子上躺在桌子上我需要用的文件上晚上睡在我脑袋边的枕头上。