window envelope

[ˈwɪndo ˈɛnvəˌlop][ˈwindəu ˈenvələup]


  • In addition the thesis proposed a novel thought of applying the online silding window ICA algorithm to the signal envelope detection .

    并提出了将滑动 在线ICA算法应用于信号 包络检测的新思路。

  • The main innovations of thesis are as follows : put forward a new idea of applying online ICA algorithm based on sliding window method to the real-time envelope extraction of signals . And successfully utilize the thought for the feature extraction and classification of BCI system .

    论文的主要创新点在于:提出了将基于滑动 的在线ICA算法应用于信号 包络检测的新思路,并成功地将这种思路应用于BCI系统的信号特征提取和分类识别。

  • Study on Flow Field in Extrusion Die for Plastics Window Profile Fabrication and Investigation of Envelope Materials for Stratospheric Aircraft with PBO Fabric as Load-carriers

    塑料 平开框梃异型材机头流道的流场分析PBO基质平流层飞艇 蒙皮材料的制备研究

  • Window is an important part of the building envelope and which is the weakest link of blocking energy between the indoor and outdoor .

    窗户是建筑 围护 结构的重要组成部分,是室内与室外能量阻隔最薄弱的环节。

  • The influence to integrated thermal inertia was researched with different area ratio of window to wall envelope insulation occupancy activity and furniture in the small scale building model experiment .

    通过建造住宅建筑的缩比模型进行实验,研究了不同 墙比、 围护 结构保温、室内人员活动以及室内家具对建筑物综合热惰性的影响。

  • For the dipole waveform it calculates the product of multiplying energy ratio between the long window and the short window by the square of the amplitude envelope of waveforms to pick the S-Wave arrival .

    对于偶极波形采用波形长短时 能量比值与波形信号能量 包络的平方乘积检测横波波至。

  • Based on the power spectrum method for unequally spaced data developed by Deeming we generalized B-T method by adding data outside data window up to arbitrary times the original data length and recognizing spectral peak and determine periods by means of envelope of spectral line .

    本文使用Deeming建立的不等间隔数据的功率谱分析方法,推广使用B&T在数据 窗外补充数据的方法,把数据扩展到原有长度的任意倍,用谱线 包络的方法来定谱峰确定周期;

  • Certainly I will Mr. Robbins . By the way may I use a window envelope ?

    我会的,罗宾斯先生。顺便问一下,我可以用 开窗 信封吗?

  • By the way may I use a window envelope ?

    顺便问一下,我可以用 开窗 信封吗?