window background

[ˈwɪndo ˈbækˌɡraʊnd][ˈwindəu ˈbækɡraund]


  • The short time window background model use to remove the foreground information . And a new Gaussian mixture model is used to construct the long time window background . The violation behavior is detected by the two background subtraction .

    其采用一个短时间 窗口 背景模型,用于剔除动态前景信息,然后采用改进的高斯混合模型构建一个长时间窗口的背景模型,通过对两个背景差分,检测出违章行为。

  • In the paper an algorithm called detection window was proposed for extracting the irregular belt-shaped region from complex background .

    本文使用探测 算法用于提取这种具有复杂 背景的非规则带状区域。

  • Suitable sampling window could increase the analyzing accuracy of Sb Mg could decrease the influence from background fluctuation Cu could enlarge the analyzing linear scope .

    合适的采样 窗口能提高Sb的分析准确度,Mg则可减少 背景波动带来的影响,Cu可扩大分析线性范围;

  • The methods of detecting window dressing are industry background analysis overall analysis of financial statements and the analysis of specific accounts .

    外部监控实施不力等。会计报表 粉饰的识别可以从行业 背景分析、财务报表总体分析、具体会计科目分析等方面入手。

  • A worker cleans the window of a room meant for athletes at the Commonwealth Games village in New Delhi India on Sept.16 Akshardham temple in the background .

    一名工人在清洗为英联邦运动会运动员村意味着一个房间,在新德里,印度2010年9月16日 窗口-在 后台Akshardham寺庙。

  • The outer window removes the white noise which comes from the middle window and the inner window and diminishes the influence of background interference by the use of OSP algorithm .

    在外层窗口中利用OSP算子消除内 窗口和中层窗口的 背景干扰,有效的去除了白噪声。

  • Some people prefer to use an xterm as the session program and run the window manager in the background .

    有些人喜欢使用xterm作为session程序,并在 后台运行 窗口管理器。

  • The average operation time of DSP is 2 ms with one primary window size 230 × 200 0.4 ms with three secondary Windows size 60 × 60 respectively . Under the tanglesome background prompt tracking the targets of low contrast is achieved .

    1个320×160主 窗口的DSP平均处理时间为2ms,3个60×60副窗口的DSP平均处理时间各为0.4ms,实现了复杂 背景下低对比度目标的快速跟踪。

  • Engineering Calculating Models of Cooling IR Window and Window Background Radiation

    红外窗口冷却和 窗口 背景辐射计算

  • Secondly the global threshold method is used to select focusing window adaptively and it can eliminate the background interference and ensure the accuracy of focusing curves .

    其次,利用阈值分割方法选择对焦 窗口以消除 背景干扰,使对焦评价函数满足无偏性。

  • Based on the estimations of target scale and direction kernel window size and weight distribution of the algorithm are adjusted in order to overcome the background distraction in tracking .

    基于目标尺度方向估计,调整算法核 窗口尺寸及核权重分布,以克服跟踪中 背景干扰。

  • In these methods we use the optimum Wiener filtering and Window filtering deconvolution technique to process the background conductivity signal .

    包括了最佳维纳滤波反褶积与 函数滤波反褶积对于 背景电导率信号还原的处理方法。

  • Splash window is often used to screen background initialization when making powerbuilder application .

    PowerBuilder制作应用程序时,经常要做Splash 窗口来屏蔽 后台的初始化工作。

  • Programmatically the window provides the background on which you present all your application 's information .

    通常还说,应用程序 窗口为程序内的所有信息提供了一个 背景 平台

  • Boron-doped diamond ( BDD ) is an excellent electrode material to be used in electrochemistry and electrochemical engineering due to its advantages such as wide electrochemical window low voltammetric background current high level of mechanical strength and corrosion resistance .

    硼掺杂金刚石(BDD)具有电势 窗口宽广(3V左右)、析氧电位高、 背景电流低、抗腐蚀性高、化学稳定性高等特点,是适用于电化学和电化学工程领域的极佳电极材料。

  • Un-uniform sampling is introduced in order to get higher resolution in central part of image and wider view field and make sure that the object is located in the focusing window and the negative effect of the background image is decreased .

    引入非均匀采样,可以保证中央的高分辨率和较大的视场范围,既保证目标图像位于聚焦 窗口之内,又显著减小了 背景图像的负面影响。

  • They help the menu or window stand out from the background by reinforcing its dimensions .

    它们帮助菜单或者 窗口通过强调从 背景中脱颖而出。

  • An inspecting window is used in detection of registration arms to avoid interferences from background objects .

    为避免 背景障碍物的干扰,在接触网定位器检测中采用检查 技术。

  • This way improve Proportion of object pixel in the window and decrease the influence of background noise effectively .

    该方法提高了 中所包含的目标像素点比例,有效地减小了 背景噪声对跟踪算法的影响。

  • This article played background music of Director by the shared window movie and controlled the background music with establishing the overall situation variable in the lingo script .

    本文以共享 窗口电影的方式来对Director背景音乐进行播放,通过设置全局变量的lingo脚本来对 背景音乐进行控制。