without avail

[wɪðˈaʊt əˈvel][wiˈðaut əˈveil]


  • We tried to revive him but without avail .

    我们试图使他苏醒,但 没有 成功

  • Much to my regret that we have made repeated application for payment of this amount without avail .

    我们多次去函请求结清这笔账款 任何 结果,为此我们非常遗憾。

  • He jangled it fiercely several times in succession but without avail .

    他又一连几次使劲地摇门铃,但是一点 用处 没有

  • We tried everything to keep the little dog alive but to without avail .

    我们曾竭尽全力抢救这只小狗的生命,但 徒劳无功

  • She tried to argue herself out of the infatuation but without avail .

    她想说服自己摆脱迷恋,可是 成功

  • We get a numerical explanation and construct a general analysis frame on portfolio and study the market with or without risk and the common meaning market . As a result we compared the three markets on avail relation .

    建立了投资组合策略受约束的一般分析框架,并详细讨论了 风险市场、风险市场和常义完备市场的投资组合策略和消费过程,同时比较了三类市场的 效用关系。

  • I did persuade him without avail .

    我是劝过了, 没有