without pause

[wɪðˈaʊt pɔz][wiˈðaut pɔ:z]


  • Without a pause he smiled and said 529 days .

    没有 停顿,他笑着说:“五二九天。”

  • Completely carry out the educational policy . Deepen quality education without pause . Strive to improve schooling in characteristics .

    长期营养不足(发育 )全面贯彻教育方针,不断深化素质教育,努力发展办学特色。

  • The control program of a two-dimensional translation stage and data capture card was compiled by Visual Basic software and point scan imaging system without pause during scanning process was implemented to speed up the pace . 3 .

    通过VISUALBASIC软件自行编制了二维平移台和数据采集卡的控制程序,实现了点扫描,且在扫描过程中 没有 停顿,加快了系统成像速度。

  • Even the Duchess sneezedoccasionally ; and as for the baby it was sneezing and howling alternately without amoment 's pause .


  • Classroom silence one kind of teaching resources without sufficient attention for a long time is defined as an embarrassment or awkward pause and needed to be break .

    课堂沉默,一种长期以来 未能受到足够重视的教学资源,在课堂教学中时常被冠以尴尬、 冷场之名,需要打破、消除,新课改下的课堂沉默更是无处遁形。

  • Without stop or pause ; constant .

    停的 停止或 中断的;持续的。

  • He was on for hours segueing from one song to the next without so much as a pause for applause .

    他已经唱了几个小时了,一首接一首,甚至连给人鼓掌的 间歇没有

  • His body did not even jerk when the shots hit him the tortured breathing continued without a pause .

    子弹打在它身上时引 起任何反应,痛苦的喘息声仍然 没有 片刻 停顿

  • The artillery blazed without a pause throughout the battle .

    整场战役中大炮一刻 地在射击。

  • The rain fell without pause .


  • But it is hard to see Chinese stocks ' vertical ascent going on much longer without a pause for an almost vertical decline .

    但如果中国股市 暂停一下升势,来一次近乎直线的下跌,那它这种直线式上涨将很难维持更长的时间。

  • In the uneven bars the entire routine should flow from one movement to the next without pause or extra supports . Otherwise you 'll never learn to speak English fluently .

    在高低杠比赛中,整套动作要自然流畅, 没有 停顿及附加支撑。不然永远也无法流畅地说英文。

  • Because real-time garbage collectors control the length of GC pauses increasing the heap size lowers the GC frequency without making individual pause times longer .

    由于实时垃圾收集器控制着GC暂停时间的长度,所以增加堆大小会降低GC频率, 不会延长各次 暂停时间。

  • Each posture flows into the next without pause ensuring that your body is in constant motion .

    每一个体式都 没有 停顿地流入下一个体式,以确保你的身体也在不断地运动。

  • The remaining $ 6.5 billion satisfied our commitment to help fund the purchase of Wrigley a deal that was completed without pause while elsewhere panic reigned .

    其余的65亿美元实现了我们为收购 绿箭提供资金的承诺,这桩交易在其他交易充满恐慌时顺畅完成。

  • She drained the glass without pause for breath and then pulled at her stretch top trying to pump air through next to her skin .


  • After Mardi Melville continued to write almost without pause .

    梅尔维尔写了《玛地》以后,继续写作,几乎 没有 间断

  • Tai Chi Chuan may appear slow and unhurried to an observer but the movements flow together continuously without pause .

    太极拳的动作看来似乎缓慢,但 永不停顿没有窒滞的时候。

  • Formation Panel on Match Screen & Updated Live this is an easy way to see the formations of both your team and your competitor at the same time without having to pause the match .

    比赛界面的阵型面板&实时更新,这是在 不用 暂停比赛,同时看到双方阵型的简单方法。

  • ( verse ) without a rhetorical pause between lines .

    (韵文)行与行之间 没有修辞 停顿

  • For this reason they expect an application that is currently playing audio to continue playing without pause .

    由于这个原因,他们期望应用程序可以 没有 停顿地播放当前正在播放的声音。

  • Cache Without Latency : An Effective Method to Reduce Load - Related Pause

    延迟Cache:减少Load相关 停顿的有效方法

  • Without the pause command the error message is not displayed with sufficient reading time .

    没有 pause命令, 就算有充足的阅读时间,出错信息也不会显示出来。

  • He went on for35 minutes without a pause .


  • He mumbled his speech without pause .


  • In display program the approach of row-scanning output code in line order with 4-segment coding display Chinese character in a LED array without pause and delay .

    显示程序采用行扫描,列顺序输出码值的方法,结合四段式汉字编码方法, 无间断和延迟的在LED阵上输出汉字。

  • He did not answer but broke into laughter sputtering his mouthful of food all over the table ; He continued to eat without pause .

    他没有话答,只是笑,笑到嘴里含的一口饭都喷出来,撒得满桌上,还是 吃吃 不休

  • But the flute music has been going on all the time without a pause .

    可是从刚才一直到现在这个笛声 没有 间断过。