
[hwaɪn, waɪn][waɪn]




  • ' Why can 't you tell me ? ' I whined

    “为什么你不能告诉我?”我 嘀咕

  • Don 't cry when you lose don 't whine when it hurts .

    当你失败了不要哭泣,当市场伤害你了不要 抱怨

  • So many women whine that they do not have choices that they have no power .

    有那么多女士 抱怨说,自己没有选择,没有权力。

  • Then you should text me as well since I 've been listening to you whine for the whole year .

    那你也得 个简讯 谢谢我,因为我听你 牢骚一整年了。

  • Tell me now and don 't whine about it later .

    现在就告诉我,别待会儿对我 牢骚

  • Twice I year I gotta listen to him whine about requalifying .

    一年中有两次,我会听到他 抱怨不平衡。

  • Just for this afternoon I will not yell once not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck and I will buy you one if he comes by .

    只是今天下午,我不会喊一次,甚至不是一个小小的抱怨当你尖叫和 呜咽的冰淇淋车,我会买你一个,如果他来了。

  • Let me not whine and whimper over things I have no control over .

    对于我不能控制的事情,求你使我不要 报怨 牢骚

  • I think I recognize that whine .

    我想我熟悉那 声音

  • The more you whine the more bigger I get .

    你越 抱怨,我会变得越大。

  • There was a whine of hydraulics as the undercarriage locked into position .

    随着液压系统 嘎吱声响,起落架进入了锁定位置。

  • He could hear her dog barking and whining in the background

    他能听见她的狗在暗处吠叫、 哀嚎

  • They come to me to whine about their troubles .

    他们到我这儿来不 唠叨他们的烦恼。

  • If you mess things up don 't whine about the mistakes learn from them .

    如果你陷入困境,不要 牢骚 抱怨错误, 从中吸取教训。

  • Dogs for example are alleged to whine or bark nervously just before earthquakes strike .

    例如,据说狗在地震即将发生时, 发出 哀鸣或紧张不安地吠叫。

  • You just complain and whine like a woman .

    你就在那里抱怨,像个女人那样 牢骚

  • Losers always whine about their best .

    输家总是 抱怨他们 已经尽力了。

  • They growl and they whine but no barking .

    它们只是嚎叫、 哀鸣,但并不吠叫。

  • When a problem surfaces never whine about it .

    当问题浮出水面的时候,决不能 牢骚

  • Those you help may whine and offer no thanks .

    你所帮助的人可能 牢骚并且没有对你表达谢意;

  • Do not whine or complain excessively .

    不要 牢骚或抱怨个 完。

  • All I heard was a whine of powerlessness and I relaxed .

    我听到的是一 无力的哀怨,于是我放松了很多。

  • May sound like the whine of a man under pressure but he is right .

    听来可能像一个处于压力下的男人在 牢骚,但他说得没错。

  • You whine complain and act like a child .

    你就像个小孩一样 吵闹 抱怨个不

  • Is there any sound more annoying than the whine of a mosquito ?

    有什么比一只蚊子在 耳边 嗡嗡 个不 更让你恼火的吗?

  • So many of us habitually gossip whine or complain .

    我们当中很多人都有八卦 抱怨的习惯。

  • It 's just a scratch . Stop whining .

    只是刮了一道,别 埋怨了。

  • Cry or whine with snuffling . The little girl wept herself to sleep .

    抽着鼻子哭泣或者 哭诉。小女孩哭着哭着入睡了。

  • He saw noble and beautiful visions but he could only whine and bark at Ruth .

    他看到了高雅美丽的幻影,却只有 对着露丝 呜咽吠叫。

  • The engines whined .

    发动机 呜呜 作响