




  • The smoke began to whirl and grew into a monstrous column .

    浓烟开始 盘旋上升,形成了一个巨大的烟柱。

  • We decided to give it a whirl .

    我们决定尝试 一下

  • There was a whirl of dust on the road .

    马路上 尘土飞扬

  • What the heck I thought I 'll give it a whirl .

    管它呢,我想,我就 试试

  • My head 's in a whirl ; I must sit down and think .

    我的脑子里 乱糟糟的,我得坐下来想想。

  • The effect of the eccentricity and gravity of rotor on the oil whirl and oil whip is analyzed .

    对转子的重力和不平衡量对系统的油 和油膜振荡的影响进行了计算和分析。

  • I don 't feel like eating & my mind 's in a whirl .

    我心里乱七八糟的, 这会儿不想吃。

  • My thoughts are in a whirl .


  • In half an hour 's whirl of activity she does it all

    经过半个小时的 忙碌,她全都做完了。

  • Not receiving an answer she whirled round

    没有得到答案,她 飞快 转过

  • What about this new agency then shall we give them a whirl ?

    那么这家新代理公司怎么样&我们要 一下吗?

  • A switch is flipped and the frames begin to whirl at300 revolutions per minute ;

    一个转换器翻转,装置开始 旋转每分钟300圈。

  • Based on two experiments on floating ring bearing with different floating ring thickness the effect of variation of thickness of floating ring on whirl and stability was studied .

    通过对浮环减薄前后实验结果的对比分析,研究了浮环厚度变化对浮环轴承 及稳定性的影响,并给出了三维 比与 转速 、典型 分岔图。

  • During all this whirl of disaster he had never once lost his head or his courage .

    在这整个灾祸的 漩涡 ,他没有一次丧失过他的头脑,或者他的勇气。

  • My mind is in a whirl with all this noise I cannot think clearly .

    这么吵闹 得我头脑里一 混乱,思维不清晰。

  • Whirl it and divide to north and to south .

    快速 旋转并划分隔为到北和到南。

  • The tumultuous movements of these minds at liberty and at work set his ideas in a whirl .

    所有这些自由自在和从事工作的青年人的喧嚣往来 急遽搅乱了他的思想。

  • Your life is such a social whirl .

    你总是在 参加 社交活动。

  • To free electrons something has to make them whirl fast enough to break away from their nuclei .

    为了释放电子,必须使电子高速 旋转而足以摆脱原子核的束缚。

  • He was whirling Anne around the floor

    他正 安妮在舞池内 圈儿

  • In the heart of the Anatolian steppe dervishes still whirl on festive occasions in mystic union with God

    在安纳托利亚大草原的深处,与真主神秘会合的庆祝场合,仍然会有托钵僧 旋转 起舞的身影。

  • Why not give acupuncture a whirl ?

    为什么不 试试针灸?

  • Someone said he is right Someone sent the whirl darts .

    有的人说他的想法是正确的,有的人送了个 回旋镖给他。

  • The paper introduced a design method that the plane curve design of out distance long control with whirl line .

    本文提出了由外距长控制设计的 带回 线的平曲线设计方法,包括 公式 推导、用 步骤 实例

  • To be tossed and lost and broken in the whirl of this fearful joy ?

    不能使你 回旋激荡,消失碎裂在这可怖的快乐 旋转之中吗?

  • Numerical Computation and Characteristic Analysis of Fire Whirl under Different Wind Speed

    基于不同风速下火 旋风的数值计算及特性分析

  • Radiation error correction methods for thermocouple measurement in fire whirl experiment


  • The water distribution sprayer adopts counter spray whirl tangent type ABS material .

    布水喷头采用对喷 旋转切线式ABS材质。

  • The dancer suddenly made a whirl .

    舞蹈演员突然做了一个 急转 动作

  • The dervishes whirl around and around without getting dizzy . Shaman and Chieftain now found in Nomad encounters .

    苦修僧人反复 旋转而不感到头晕。在大地图也可以遇到僧人和酋长了?