



  • By using supply and demand analysis the need mechanism and the supply mechanism are given in the technique barriers to trade whish reveals the creation reason of the technique barriers to trade and its inevitability .

    然后运用供求分析法分析了技术性贸易壁垒形成的需求机制和供给机制,揭示了技术性贸易 壁垒产生和 日益 强化的原因。

  • The second part is a literature review whish summarize and explain concepts and theories of social insurance agency and risk management as the theoretical basis of this study .

    第二部分是文献综述,对社会保险 经办机构以及风险管理的一些理论进行概括和阐述,作为本文研究的理论基础。

  • The type of steel whish contains more than 0.08wt % nitrogen in a ferrite matrix or more than 0.4wt % nitrogen in an austenitic matrix is defined as high nitrogen steel .

    铁素体基体中氮含量超过 0.08wt%或奥氏体基体中氮含量超过0.4wt%的钢称为高氮钢。

  • The problems mentioned in this paper are universal in this trade and I whish it will be of conference value for the construction of the channels in iron & steel industry .

    文中提到的问题在企业中 带有普遍性, 希望本文对钢铁行业的渠道建设具有参考价值。

  • They also whish for science and lifestyle programs that impart new knowledge that they could apply in life and work .

    他们也 期盼 能够 看到 一些传授新知识的科教、生活类节目,以便他们可以将这些知识运用到生活与工作中去。

  • This article was discussed several problems whish should be noticed at propelling electron digital network of library on how to do well orthodox and modem for bonding of the development in the future from the library in the new century .

    本文从世纪之交图书馆在其未来发展进程中如何做到传统与现代的 有机结合,讨论了在推进图书馆电子化,数字化、网络化 建设中应注意的几个问题。

  • Electric Eddy Transducer is one of the widely used Transducers the technical level and intelligent degree of whish affects the veracity of control system directly . Veracity and precision of Electric Eddy Transducer plays an important role in improving its technical level .

    电涡流 位移传感器作为应用十分广泛的传感器之一,其技术水平和智能化程度直接影响到利用其进行控制的准确性,改进其测量的准确性和精度是其技术水平提升的重要环节之一。

  • In this paper the weight coefficients of the criteria whish affect the empound roof classification are determined by using the AHP method .

    本文应用层次分析法确定了影响复合顶板分类各因素的权值,并应用模糊数学方法 各因素建立了 相应的模式识别模型。