


  • Hainan attracts the well-heeled and the beautiful .

    海南吸引 各路 富豪佳丽 纷至沓来

  • However this is nota game that only the well-heeled can play .

    然而,这并不是只有 富人才能参加的比赛。

  • These well-heeled foreigners cannot support the entire market however and the future is not bright .

    不过,这些 富有的外国人无法支撑整个市场,未来并不乐观。

  • Marxism is a theory of how well-heeled capitalist nations might use their immense resources to achieve justice and prosperity for their people .

    马克思主义是关于 富有的资本主义国家应该利用它们巨大的资源为它们的人民实现正义与繁荣的理论。

  • The finest sports stadium in London seemed a little out of place on the edge of well-heeled and arty Chelsea but as history shows Mears had chosen well .

    英格兰最好的球场象是建在了不合适的位置&建在了 富有并浪漫的切尔西市的边缘,但是历史证实了米尔斯的选择是正确的!

  • Even among the well-heeled Davos audience Ms Lagarde drew applause .

    甚至连 富有的达沃斯听众都对拉加德报以掌声。

  • A restaurant with many well-heeled customers .

    有很多 顾客光顾的饭馆。

  • Butlers also cater to well-heeled guests at Ritz-Carlton and many other luxury hotels .

    还有的管家专为丽思卡尔顿酒店等众多豪华酒店的 富豪贵客服务。

  • Faced with a market in which even the relatively well-heeled find it tough to buy decent housing Beijing residents seem likely to do a little roaring of their own .

    在北京这样一个即使是相对 富裕 也很难买套像样的房子的地方,北京居民看起来可能要独自怒吼了。

  • That is all right for well-heeled travellers happy to have an alternative to flying .

    这对于 富有的旅行者来说 不错,他们很高兴能有个代替飞机的备选方案。

  • One bank in Kazakhstan offered a diamond-encrusted credit card for well-heeled clients with incomes over $ 300 .

    哈萨克斯坦一家银行为收入超过30万美元的 富豪客户提供镶有钻石的信用卡。

  • As for most organisations in the UN system they are dysfunctional bureaucracies run for the benefit of the elites of poor countries and well-heeled consultants from rich countries .

    至于联合国体系中的多数组织,它们都是为穷国的精英和富国的 有钱顾问服务的功能紊乱的官僚机构。

  • You 're always thinking about money how much money you could make off of a client or to how many referrals you can get to well-heeled clients .

    你总在考虑钱&能从一个客户身上赚到多少钱,要不就是 别人能介绍给你多少 富有的客户。

  • He said there 's stiff competition from the United States Australia and some European countries for the well-heeled crowd .

    来自美国、澳大利亚和欧洲一些 其它国家的竞争 相当激烈, 它们 同样 非常 欢迎 这些 富有的投资者。

  • The St Germain district like much of Paris has been taken over by tourists and the well-heeled bourgeois The thinkers are now scattered both geographically and intellectually .

    圣日尔曼区就像巴黎的大多数地区一样,已被旅游观光的人和 阔绰 有钱 占据了。那些思想家们,不仅 散四方,精神上也分崩离析了。

  • The shop attracted a loyal and large following among the well-heeled with its personal service .

    这家商店以自己的优质服务在 有钱 中吸引了一大批忠实的 客户

  • When it came to catering to the needs of her well-heeled customers I was always on call .

    “当它来满足的需要,她 富有的客户,”我总是随叫随到。

  • Right now solar panels cost so much that only well-heeled well-meaning Westerners can afford to install them .

    目前,由于太阳能面板成本过高,只有既 富裕 好心的西方人安装得起。

  • The well-heeled people helped rebuild the countryside road .


  • But outside Japan Shiseido is a relatively niche brand favoured more by well-heeled consumers .

    但在日本以外地区,资生堂是一个相对小众的品牌,更受 那些 富裕 讲究的消费者的喜爱。

  • Would you like to have a famous author prominent entrepreneur or well-heeled venture capitalist in your network ?

    你想在自己的 社交网络中 结识 几个知名作家,杰出企业家,或是 富有 投资本家吗?

  • Ask a well-heeled Chinese lady about her new handbag and she is quite likely to point out that she bought it in Paris .

    问一位 穿着 的中国女士关于她的手包,她很高兴得指出那是她在巴黎买的。

  • Retail-led schemes from Dumfries in Scotland to well-heeled Chester in Cheshire and Newport Wales have recently been put on hold by their developers .

    从苏格兰邓弗里斯,到 富有的柴郡切斯特和威尔士纽波特,以零售为主导的商业地产计划最近已被开发商搁置。

  • But they deal with well-heeled lobbies every day .

    但是他们每天都要与 这些 穿着 考究的游说人员打交道。

  • Well-heeled Chinese expectant mothers head to the US before delivery to get citizenships for their new babies .
