


  • You can hold your own for beauty against any woman of these parts gentle or simple ; I say it to you as a practical man and well-wisher .

    就凭你的美丽,你都可以把这一带任何一个女子 下去, 无论 出身高贵的还是 出身贫贱的;我是作为一个务实的人和一个 好心人才对你说这话。

  • Indeed Harrys emerging pate became more evident when he bent over to pet a dog brought by a well-wisher at the Sandringham Christmas church service .

    桑德林汉姆庄园圣诞礼拜仪式中,哈里王子弯腰轻拍一位 祝福 带来的小狗。我们能看到这个时候他头部的秃顶已经更加明显了。

  • Anticipation had been building for weeks after Kate 33 told a well-wisher she was due around late April . Still journalists were caught slightly off guard when she delivered barely three hours after checking into the hospital at dawn Saturday .

    自从凯特(33岁)告诉一个 祝福 产期 大概在四月末起,人们就开始期待。但周六早晨,在她入住医院仅三个小时 便顺利 下婴儿时,记者们还是略感意外。

  • The main street was lined with well-wishers .

    大街两旁满是 祝福 人群

  • I say it to you as a practical man and well-wisher .

    我是作为一个务实的人和一个 好心 人才对你说 这话

  • He could rarely take a few steps before being stopped by someone wanting an autograph a well-wisher or a reporter .

    他几乎不能走开, 因为有很多的 善意 或者是记者拦住他要签名。

  • Hardly had he returned to London when an anonymous well-wisher called to say he was about to be raided by Customs & Excise .

    他刚回到伦敦,就有一个不愿透露姓名的 好心 打来电话说,他即将 面临海关的突击检查。

  • Britain 's royal family took their traditional public Christmas Day stroll to and from church on Friday with one well-wisher receiving a hug and a kiss from Prince William .

    上周五,英国王室成员前往教堂做一年一度的圣诞礼拜,一 热情 民众 得到了威廉王子的拥抱和亲吻。