without price

[wɪðˈaʊt praɪs][wiˈðaut prais]


  • There is not a man without a price on his head .

    这里每个人的 人头都是有 价格的。

  • Since our market is very competitive it would be difficult to market the products without a price reduction .

    由于我们的市场竞争性很强, 减低 价格是很难开拓这些产品的市场的。

  • Possession of psionic power far beyond the capabilities of common minds does not come without a price .

    拥有远远超越常人精神力的心灵异能并非 毫无 代价

  • Or maybe today will be the day when my angel brings an item up to the cash register without its price tag .

    或许就在今天,我的天使把一件 没有 价格标签的商品拿到收银台。

  • The price we pay for this company is to selflessly and without a price return compassion understanding and joy .

    在这种陪伴中,我们 无私地、 回报地体现同情、理解和快乐。

  • No victory comes without price .

    没有那次成功 需要 代价

  • It becomes the principal problem in human capital research that we have the market without price investment without output .

    这样,有市 无价,有投入无产出的问题就成为我国目前人力资本研究的主要问题;

  • Dolce Gabbana lists a number of watches on its website without a price tag . Rather all it says is prices upon request .

    Dolce Gabbana在官网上列出了许多手表,却并未给出价格,上面只写着按 定价

  • Many investors have chosen to park cash in renminbi accounts and short-term certificates of deposit that offer higher returns than their dollar-based equivalents but come without the price fluctuations of bonds .

    许多投资者选择将现金存入人民币账户和短期人民币存单&这些账户的收益率比美元账户高,但 没有债券的 价格波动。

  • Some energy experts believe that without temporary price caps the crisis will continue .

    一些能源专家认为, 没有暂时的 价格管理,危机将会继续。

  • Harris ( 1998 ) pointed out that the previous research had shortcomings since we could not simulate a market without price limits .

    Harris(1998)指出,在以前人们所采用的理论和实证方法中,由于人们无法完全模拟一个 没有 跌幅限制的市场,因此上述方法缺乏必要的严谨性。

  • However this improvement doesn 't come without a price ; there are hidden pitfalls when using the mmap + write method .

    然而,性能的改进需要付出 代价的;是用 mmap与write这种组合方法,存在着一些隐藏的陷阱。

  • The secret to which I refer cannot be had without a price although the price is far less than its value .

    我提出的这个秘诀,是要 付出 代价才能取得的,但是它物超所值太多了。

  • Without gas price reforms there is little financial incentive to develop the industry .

    如果 没有页岩气 价格改革,这个行业就缺乏开发的经济动力。

  • Ho every one that thirsteth come ye to the waters and he that hath no money ; come ye buy and eat ; yea come buy wine and milk without money and without price .

    你们一切乾渴的都当就近水来.没有银钱的也可以来.你们都来、买了吃.不用银钱、 不用 价值、也来买酒和奶。

  • Shoppers would enjoy haggling for discounts as most of the items are sold without price tags .

    顾客们一般喜欢对那些 标的商品进行讨价还价。

  • Firstly the profit models of retailer and the manufacturer are proposed with or without price discount .

    首先建立了零售商和制造商在 折扣、有折扣时的利润模型;

  • Argument is not without price adjustment there will be negative impact .

    而无论调 调价,负面影响都会存在。

  • Experimental results show as compared with the experiments without price limits both dynamic and static price limits can eliminate the price bubbles in the markets and improve the information efficiency significantly .

    本文得出的结论是,与 没有 价格限制的 基准实验相比较,动态和静态涨跌幅限制都显著的抑制了价格对基础价值的偏离,提高了市场的信息反映程度。

  • There can be no mercy without a price .

    怜悯 不是 没有 代价的。

  • Student shows are informal without price lists .

    学生作品展不太正式, 没有 价目表。

  • However in front courtyard careful decorated a company to offer all bill that purchase material price to measure conform to and also need to be standard provision with market price without material price in the contract .

    然而,在庭审中,装修公司提供了所有采购材料价量相符的发票,且合同中也 没有材料 价格需以市场价为准的条款。

  • Its main reason is that forest resource is a public goods without market price .

    其主要原因在于森林环境资源属于公共物品, 没有市场 价格,现有的市场运行机制 无法合理配置森林环境资源。

  • But I cannot be satisfied without Fanny Price without making a small hole in Fanny Price 's heart .

    可是 没有 范妮·普莱斯,不给她心上戳个小洞,我是不会满足的。

  • Our results indicate that different from consumable goods to achieve an optimal pricing strategy for durable goods it is impossible to adopt a price-penetration strategy without price skimming .

    我们的结果表明,跟易耗商品的不同,对于耐用品来说, 价格渗透策略 可能是最优定价策略。

  • The bigger the swing range the less the information-transfer efficiency of the market . ( 4 ) With or without price limits the average proceeds of informed traders were more than uninformed traders but there was not a statistically significant difference between the two scenarios .

    资产价值的波动性越大,市场的信息效率越差。(4) 不管是否存在 涨跌幅限制,知情交易者的平均交易收益都多于非知情交易者,但这一点在统计上并不显著。

  • Nothing is without a price .

    任何东西 有其 代价

  • You see no victory comes without a price .

    你知道,没有哪个胜利是 付出 代价的。

  • This power doesn 't come without a price however .

    但这种能力不会 没有 代价