


  • I 'll find him that young whippersnapper !

    我将找到他,那个 自以为是的小 家伙

  • There are few sights quite as ugly to someone with your length of experience as a jargon-talking young whippersnapper who thinks he is destined for the top .

    对于拥有你这种经验相当的人,几乎没有什么场面比一位满嘴行话、 自以为是、认为自己注定将 升入高层的年轻人更丑陋的了。

  • Substitute whippersnapper for your chosen sexist or racist epithet and then imagine how many job interviews you can cram into your sudden abundance of free time .

    自以为是 年轻 代替你选择的带有性别歧视或种族歧视的蔑称,然后设想一下,在你陡然充裕的闲暇时间里,能参加多少工作面试。