within sight of

[wɪðˈɪn saɪt ʌv][wiˈðin sait ɔv]


  • The state requires that in-home providers and center workers be within sight or hearing of sleeping infants .

    明尼苏达州要求婴儿睡觉时,家庭托儿所负责人和托儿所中心员工必须 看到或听到孩子 动静。

  • So I wheeled it over to the shed still within sight of the house .

    于是,我把它推出 小棚,仍作为房舍的

  • It is the fear that Turkey is within sight of doing what has been asked of it that has led Mr Sarkozy and others to repudiate the original bargain .

    正是由于担心土耳其 有望达到要求,萨科齐和其他领导人才拒绝履行最初的协议。

  • It surprises me the West Ham win has taken us to within sight of fourth place .

    很奇妙,击败西汉姆让我们可以重新冲击 前四名了。

  • When she 's really really reliable within sight of the door take the mat into the threshold .

    当她的真的,真的可靠 指日可待的大门,采取垫进入的门槛。

  • Visible things are within sight with the characteristics of the landscape spectacle cultural becomes the major consumer goods .

    视线 范围 的可见之物都具备景观的特性,以媒介为载体的景观文化成为主要的消费商品。

  • ` Unfortunately the second and third placed runners were not within line of sight of the leader and lead bikes / vehicle . This resulted in all those who followed taking an incorrect route through this section . `

    很不幸,第二、第三位 选手没 看到第一名选手和引导的自行车/车辆,造成后面跟着的其他所有参赛选手在这个区域都跑错了道。

  • The UK offered $ 1bn more bringing the total to $ 8.5bn and within sight of a $ 10bn target .

    英国将出资10亿美元,使该基金目前募集的资金总额达到85亿美元, 接近100亿美元的 募资目标。

  • Cultural Image within Sight of Classical Verses with Aesthetic Judgment-Jade

    古典诗词审美观照 的文化 物象&玉

  • His twenty-five-foot boat was moored within sight of West Church .

    他那条25英尺长的小船停泊 看得见西教堂的地方。

  • Remain within the sight and touch of the Holy Spirit my beloved Spouse .

    请长 留在圣神的 目光和触感之中,祂是我心爱的净配。

  • It passed under the Howrah Bridge and came within sight of the Botanical Garden .

    它穿过了霍 拉桥的桥底,植物园已经呈现 眼前

  • They finally came within sight of the bamboo gates .

    他们终于快到了,已 看得见竹篱大门。

  • The long-time rivals announced an alliance last month designed to keep them within sight of Google the Internet search leader .

    这两个长期竞争对手上月宣布展开合作,目的是追赶互联网搜索 领跑者谷歌(google)。

  • This consisted of beacon towers on the Wall itself and on mountain tops within sight of the Wall .

    这个传递信息的过程由相邻两个山头上的 烽火台组成,可以互相 看到 对方

  • The Atlantic coast is within sight of the hotel

    从宾馆 可以 看见大西洋海岸。

  • We are now within sight of the shore .

    我们现在的 距离 看见海岸了。

  • The ship sank within sight of the harbour .

    这艘船 靠近港口的 地方沉没了。

  • At last our little boat came within sight of Alexandria bay .

    我们的小船终于驶到了 可以 看见亚历山大海湾的 地方

  • He gave up his career as one of Turkey 's most famous architects to establish a new vineyard on the ancient wine-producing island of Bozcaada within sight of Gallipoli .

    他放弃了他作为土耳其最知名建筑师的职业生涯,在古老的产酒岛博兹贾阿达上建造了一座新葡萄园, 这座岛上能够 看见加利波利。

  • Today I am within sight of my heaven .

    今天,我 我的天堂了。

  • Both parties had reached their limit the outcome was coming within sight but the climate changed all of a sudden .

    华洋双方都已到忍耐极限, 眼见胜负当 ,谁 “天象”忽然大变。

  • At night I park the car outside the Polish embassy within sight of a sentry box to deter thieves .

    晚上我把车停在波兰大使馆外, 岗亭 得到的 地方,以防止窃贼。

  • Only when the middle peasants see clearly which way the wind is blowing and only when victory in the revolution is within sight will they come in on the side of the revolution .

    等到看清了 大势,革命将要胜利的时候,中农才会参加到革命方面来。

  • The boat was within sight of land .

    从那只船上 陆地了。

  • She was within sight of Navratilova 's record of seventy-four consecutive wins .

    她已经逼近了 纳夫拉蒂洛娃74连胜的纪录。

  • Their room overlooks a car park but is also within sight of a slip road that trucks rumble down day and night .

    窗外是一片停车场。由于临近高速公路的支路,无论白天黑夜都有卡车 轰隆的经过。

  • A silver stream is hanging down to three stone Bridges Within sight of the mighty Tripod Falls A delicious smell of freshly baked bread wafted across the garden .

    银河倒挂三 石梁,香炉瀑布遥相望。花园中飘过一股刚出炉面包的香味。

  • A steep deterioration in risk appetite left equities and base metals nursing sharp losses as the worsening crisis in Libya kept oil prices within sight of two-and-half-year highs feeding concerns about the outlook for global economic growth .

    全球投资者风险偏好昨日急剧下降,推动股票与 金属价格大幅下挫。目前利比亚危机持续恶化,导致油价 接近两年半高位,加剧各方对全球经济增长前景的担忧。