white circuit

[hwaɪt ˈsɚkɪt][hwait ˈsə:kit]

[电] 白电路

  • In order to achieve white LED lighting applications we start our design and test research from the perspective of the drive circuit .

    为了实现 白光LED的照明应用,本论文对白光LED驱动 电路的设计与测试进行了探讨。

  • The Auto white balance circuit has self-convergence ability and its convergence speed is fast . The color interpolation circuit achieves chromatism stabilization interpolation method and the color image reversion effect is ideal .

    自动 平衡 电路校正系数具有自收敛能力,且收敛速度较快,色彩插值电路实现了色差恒定的相关性插值法,图像色彩恢复效果比较理想。

  • Model of 3-Mesh White Circuit

    基于3单元模型的 怀特 电路特性

  • Research of White LED Drive Circuit

    白光二极管驱动 电路的研究

  • And this paper analyzes the characteristic of white LED designs constant-current drive circuit so that guaranteeing the quality of light .

    并且对 白光LED特性进行分析,设计了恒流驱动 电路,保证发光质量。

  • Self-adjust Input Output Low Power White LED Drive Circuit base on PMOS

    基于 PMOS自适应输入输出低压 白光LED驱动

  • This article introduces a method of high bright white light LED flashlight circuit which is supplied with the solar energy and it has good applied value .

    介绍了一种太阳能供电的高亮度 白光LED闪光 电路的实现方法,具有较高的应用价值。

  • Focused on the white LED modulation receiver technology designed and produced a white LED modulation driving circuit and receiving circuit .

    重点研究了白光LED调制接收技术,设计制作了 白光LED调制驱动 电路和接收电路。

  • The Influence to Flocculation System Caused by Closing White Water Circuit

    内部封闭 循环对絮聚体系的影响

  • The high bright white light LED flash circuit of the solar cell

    太阳能供电的高亮度 白光LED闪光 电路 设计

  • We supplied the improved traditional operation of cutting off white matter of frontal leaf combined with cutting off Papez emotional circuit and applied on 20 cases of mental patients .

    我们应用改良传统的额叶 质切断术结合Papez情绪 环路的切断,治疗精神病患者20余例。

  • Study of white LED light source circuit design

    白色LED光源 电路设计研究

  • A new type of high power white LEDs ( HPW-LEDs ) based on metal core printed circuit board ( MCPCB ) and chip on board ( COB ) technique is designed and demonstrated its opto-electrical characteristics are measured .

    设计、制作了基于金属 线路板和板上芯片技术的大功率 白光LED,对其光电特性进行了实验测量,输入电流达到800mA,对应的输入功率3.3W,大功率LED的输出光通量才达到饱和。