white jade

[hwaɪt dʒed][hwait dʒeid]


  • But the language was too succinct and the expansion of yi-image was not enough we have to say it was a slight flaw in a white jade .

    但是语言过于简练,对易象的拓展不足,也令人有 白璧微瑕之感。

  • The stone used includes jade of many kinds such as emerald coral white jade agate rose quartz etc.

    所用玉石有很多种,如翡翠,珊瑚, 白玉,玛瑙,石英石等。

  • Quarrying it in the jade history in several thousand years only see once in a while the superior of the quality is not second to the white jade .

    在几千年采玉史上,仅偶尔见到,质优者不次于 羊脂

  • As white as jade the rice noodles preserve some warmth and produce the unique fragrance of rice .


  • Type simple but soft and moist glaze in a state of semi-matt like white jade and intercept Ding Yue Kiln decorative techniques to create a unique artistic style .

    器型简单,但釉色温润柔和,在半无光状态下有如 羊脂 ,并截取定窑、越窑的装饰技法,形成独特的艺术风格。

  • The white jade resources of buryatia Russia and their effect on the white jade market of China

    俄罗斯布里亚特自治共和国 白玉资源及对我国白玉市场的影响

  • In this paper the main effect factors of transmission of Dushan white jade are studied more specifically in chemistry compositions mineral assemblages and features of crystallochemistry and so on then a brief appraisal of their craft characteristices is given .

    玉石的矿物组合、化学成分和矿物晶体化学特征等方面对影响 白独玉透明度的主要因素作了较具体的研究,并对其工艺特征也作了简要的评述。

  • Again in brushes and paperweights seal inkpad box white jade carved on sand xian garden expo the slogan and symbol of theme .

    再在毛笔、纸镇、印章、印泥盒的 白玉上砂刻上西安园博会的标志、口号及主题。

  • Spring the delicate leaves of Bristol a white as jade thin as the flowers of Begonia .

    春天,娇嫩的碧叶中,一簇簇 洁白,薄如轻纱的海棠花盛开了。

  • The jade light is chiselled and made with the sum Tian bluish white jade .

    玉灯用和阗青 白玉

  • Study of Dushan white jade transmission from Nanyang

    南阳 独玉透明度的研究

  • In it twin lotus flowers also carved with white jade could be seen as well .

    在这对荷叶上还能看到纯色 白玉的痕迹。

  • Sculpted out of a whole piece of white jade this statue is the hallmark treasure of this temple .

    这是用一整块 白玉雕刻而成的,是杨岐寺的镇寺之宝。

  • Light hanging in the sky like a lamp round like a large cake like a flawless white jade .

    亮得像挂在天空中的一盏灯,圆得像一个大月饼, 白得像一块无暇的 玉佩

  • Speckle topaz that the base contains implicitly and spotlessly white jade of the whole body set off mutually have to be bored of growing especially bright and clean .

    底座暗含的斑黄玉质与全身 洁白 玉质相互映衬,更加得滋腻光洁。

  • The gold medal has a white jade ring the silver greenish-white and grey jade adds glitter to the bronze .

    金牌镶嵌有 白色 玉环,银牌是绿中带白,铜牌是灰色的玉石。

  • The other housed in a shrine in the Sleeping Buddha Hall is also carved in white jade . 96 cm in length the Buddha lies reclining on a mahogany couch .

    卧佛堂神龛里,供奉着的是另一尊 玉雕佛像,长96厘米,侧卧在红木榻上。

  • Study on Acid Polishing of Carbonate White Jade

    碳酸盐 白玉的酸抛光研究

  • Boss Zhang for journalists showed a collection of Hotan white jade white jade and fine texture luster moisture hard and yet rich in toughness .

    张老板为记者展示了收藏的一块和田 羊脂 ,羊脂玉质地细腻,光泽滋润,质坚而又富于韧性。

  • Various sorts of typical samples ( white jade green jade white - green jade brownish black jade ) have been selected to perform polished and thin section microscopic observation EMP XRD and infrared spectral analysis microhardness determination and SEM observation .

    笔者选择了各种代表性样品( 白玉、绿玉、白绿玉,棕黑色玉),对其进行了光薄片显微镜观察、探针、电镜、X光、红外等分析以及显微硬度测定。

  • The white jade is and peculiar top-grade malachite in Hetian jade each is not generally big .


  • This pieces of jade weared by Baron with and Tian bluish white jade chisel it is each that engrave by treasure that carve .

    这块佩玉是用和阗青 白玉琢成,是一件镂雕的珍品。

  • We study the white jade the results show that the content the alteration extent and the fissures of anorthite are the controlling factor of Dushan jade 's transparence .

    白色独山 透明度的控制因素进行研究,结果发现:独山 中钙长石的含量,蚀变程度、平均颗粒度的大小、物相和裂隙的发育程度是白色独山玉透明度的控制因素。

  • Material : white jade ; Original Place : XinJiang . The product is with fine texture translucency and delicated carving .

    材质: 白玉;产地:新疆。此产品质地高雅,透彻,雕琢精细,是上等精品。

  • Study of Determination Method of Trace Elements in White Jade Snail


  • You laugh in mirth and wail in grief . I like your truthfulness which resembles a piece of white jade with nothing to hide but everything to display .

    你高兴时大笑,你悲痛时恸哭。我都喜欢,喜欢你像一块 白玉,毫不掩饰,坦诚率直。