white noise

[hwaɪt nɔɪz][hwait nɔiz]


  • W is a zero mean white noise source .

    W是一个零均值的 噪声源。

  • Using a fan or light music to create white noise can help blanket out some outdoor noise .

    用风扇或轻音乐来制造 噪音,这能帮助掩盖一些户外噪音。

  • At last the power spectral density function and the mean square value function of the random displacement response of a plate with stationary random current of white noise were calculated .

    最后通过具体算例,对处于外加磁场中的导电薄板通以理想 噪声的平稳随机电流,对其位移响应的功率谱密度函数和均方值函数进行了计算。

  • For this a method of white noise simulation on road roughness based on power function is put forward with that method for two wheel vehicles derived .

    提出了一种基于幂函数的路面不平度 噪声 激励模拟方法,并对其两轮路面不平度输入的 噪声 激励模拟方法进行了推导。

  • In this paper a power spectrum of discontinuous narrow band white noise is analysed and an expression of the power spectrum is obtained .

    对间断窄带 噪声的功率谱进行了分析,得到其功率谱的表达式。

  • In the system of the online measuring of pellets diameters the disturbed noises during the process of collecting pellets images are mainly impulse noise and white noise .

    在球团矿粒度在线检测系统中,球团图像采集过程的干扰噪声主要是脉冲噪声和 噪声

  • Either a sheep sound or white noise was played continuously through headphones during general anesthesia .

    全身麻醉期间通过耳机播放绵羊声音或 噪声

  • In the tests participants were asked to listen to a constant fuzzy sound known as white noise .

    在实验中,受测者被要求聆听持续不断的模糊的声响,它被称之为 白色 噪音

  • The effect of bandwidth division on the improvement of the frequency spectrum utilization is analyzed under the condition of the multi-access interference and Gaussian white noise .

    分析了在信道存在加性 噪声和多址干扰的条件下,频带细化对提高频谱利用率的作用。

  • A last experiment used white noise to block sound cues and the birds had more difficulty finding the worms .

    最后的实验利用 白色 噪音破坏声音线索,鸟儿寻找昆虫困难起来了。

  • The method of white noise simulation on road roughness based on rational function is analyzed with its disadvantages pointed out .

    对基于有理函数的路面不平度 噪声 激励模拟方法进行了分析,指出了该方法存在的不足。

  • As a result images are clearer and the graininess and white noise that often appear when shooting in low light are suppressed .

    使得图象更为清晰,抑制了在低照度下拍摄经常出现得颗粒性和 噪声

  • A wavelet threshold denoising algorithm is effective for denoising the white noise in image .

    小波阈值去噪算法是去除图像信号中 噪声的有效算法。

  • The paper is dedicated to study the influence of the additive Gaussian White Noise on the Spectral Correlation Density ( SCD ) analysis of Amplitude Modulated ( AM ) signals .

    重点研究了加性高斯 噪声对调幅信号谱相关密度分析结果的影响。

  • All I get is the white noise of refrigerators or fume hoods .

    我只能听到冰箱和排风机发出的 噪声

  • Design and Implementation of a Gaussian White Noise Generator Based on FPGA

    一种基于FPGA的高斯 噪声发生器的设计与实现

  • A research on the method of image de-noising based on Gaussian white noise

    高斯 噪声 背景下图像去噪方法研究

  • If noise bothers you wear earplugs or get a white noise machine .

    如果有噪音干扰,带个耳塞或者买个“ 噪音”机器。

  • ' White noise ' was played into the subject 's ears through headphones

    让受试者通过耳机听“ 噪声”。

  • Also the low frequency glint is regarded as the white noise having passed through a first order filter .

    认为低频目标闪烁近似于 噪声通过一阶惯性环节所得到的有色 噪声

  • Randomness in this case is modelled as a Gaussian white noise process .

    模式中之随机性乃视为一高斯 噪音过程。

  • White noise machines block out whispered conversation at the front desk .

    制造 噪音的机器阻挡了前台的低语。

  • The channel to he measured is modeled as equivalent baseband Linear-Time-Variant channel with additive Gaussian white noise .

    利用叠加高斯 噪声的线性时变等效基带信道模型来描述信道;

  • The DOA estimation mean square error and resolution probability of the CSS in the Gausian white noise and reverberation were obtained by computer simulations .

    通过计算机仿真,得到了宽带CSS法的分辨概率和均方误差曲线,以及 噪声 背景和混响背景中CSS法的统计性能曲线。

  • In the digital imaging equipment Gaussian white noise and salt & pepper noise are both common noise source .

    在数字成像设备中,高斯 噪声和椒盐噪声是两种常见的噪声源,对图像质量均有较大的影响。

  • Accrue to the white noise variance .

    再产生一方差为的 噪声

  • They were made to listen to white noise such as static of the sort you might pick up between radio stations .

    他们被迫听 噪音,类似于你在调电台时听到的那种静电噪音。

  • In this paper a new equivalent nonlinearization method is developed and used in analysing the response of nonlinear systems to Gaussian white noise excitation .

    本文提出了分析非线性系统 随机响应的一种新的等效非线性化方法。

  • Based on the innovation analysis approach a non-augmented optimal filter with a white noise estimator is presented for a multiple time-delay system with colored measurement noise .

    基于新息分析方法,对带有色观测噪声的多重时滞系统,提出了一种带自 噪声估值器的非增广的最优滤波器。

  • An algorithm used to detect aerial image 's edge contaminated by addictive white noise is discussed .

    对含有 噪声的图片的边缘提取进行了讨论。