white terror

[hwaɪt ˈtɛrɚ][hwait ˈterə]

[法] 白色恐怖

  • George W.Bush was in the White House for a final full day as president after two terms marked by the terror attacks of Sept.11 and the economic collapse of2008 .

    乔治-布什连任了两届总统,任内发生了2001的9/11 恐怖袭击,2008年经济又出现了危机。这是布什作为总统在 白宫度过的最后一个完整的一天。

  • After the failure of the Great Revolution the whole country was shrouded in White Terror and the situation of Chinese revolution changed from the climax to a low tide .

    大革命失败后,全国笼罩在一 白色恐怖之中,中国革命形势由高潮转入低潮。

  • Everywhere large numbers of advanced people defied the White terror imposed by Lin Biao and the Gang of Four and fought them courageously .

    各地都有大批先进 分子不怕他们的 白色恐怖,同他们进行了英勇不屈的斗争。

  • The sanitary plastic fastfood package discarded casually are hard to be degraded or decomposed they will lead to a situation expressed in the old term white terror .

    随手扔掉的一次性塑料快餐盒难以风化、难以腐蚀,将会制造另一种意义上的 白色恐怖

  • Black and white objects strike terror in the hearts of some .

    有些人 非常 忌讳黑色或 白色的东西。

  • However we must take care to lay a solid foundation in the central districts so that we shall have something secure to rely on when the white terror strikes .

    但是仍然需要注意建立中心区域的坚实基础,以备 白色恐怖到来时有所恃而不

  • The ghost emerges in recent years it has white hair so terror .

    丙这鬼近几年才兴起的,一头 白发呀, 吓死 了。

  • This was as close as white terror had ever come to me and my mind reeled .

    这一次几乎就象 白色恐怖发生在我身上一样,我的头脑眩晕了。

  • White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough on Sunday dismissed accusations that the Obama administration is waffling over whether the United States is indeed at war with Islamic State saying the administration has been very clear about the military mission against the terror group .

    奥巴马政府被指责在是否确实对ISIS开战的问题上含糊其辞,而美国 白宫办公厅主任丹尼斯麦克多诺上周日驳回了该指责,称美国政府非常清楚对 恐怖组织的军事任务。

  • Arthur 's face was white too with terror more than with grief .

    阿瑟的脸 煞白主要是 害怕,不是悲伤。

  • The enemy 's jackals-the peace preservation corps and the landlords ' levies-ran amuck and White terror raged throughout the towns and countryside .

    为虎作伥的保安队、挨户团横行无忌, 白色恐怖布满城乡。

  • Having white lips from fear or terror .

    因为害怕或者 恐怖而嘴唇 发白

  • McCain told his supporters Tuesday the contest for the White House in November has now begun and that he will present himself as the candidate best able to keep America safe from terror attacks .

    麦凯恩星期二对他的支持者说,11月竞选入主 白宫的选战已经开始,他在竞选中将把自己展现为最有能力保护美国不受 恐怖袭击的候选人。

  • When the Great Revolution was defeated the Party 's defence organization namely Central Special Department was formally born in the white terror .

    大革命失败时,在 白色恐怖中正式诞生了党的保卫组织&中央特科。

  • How many white lives have been scarred by fear because we wasted energy and our substance to maintain the barriers of hatred and terror ?

    又有多少 白人的生活由于我们把物质和精力浪费在维持充满仇恨和 恐怖的种族屏障上而为恐惧所困扰?

  • During the reign of the white terror many progressives fell victim to the secret police .
