


  • Welcome to telegraph Dongtou electricity your satisfaction is our biggest pursuit Dongtou electricity will serve you wholeheartedly .

    欢迎致电洞头电力,您的满意是我们最大的追求,洞头电力将竭诚为您 服务

  • We wholeheartedly to provide inexpensive high-quality products and satisfactory service for domestic and foreign merchants .

    我们 竭诚广大国内外客商提供优质价廉的产品和满意的服务。

  • I will wholeheartedly fulfill all commitments that I have to date .

    我会 全心全意做好各项承诺,我得日期。

  • Wherever you work you must serve the people wholeheartedly .

    你无论在哪里工作,你都必须 全心全意 为人民服务。

  • Young people in our country are brought up to serve the people wholeheartedly .

    我国的青年人从小就受到 全心全意为人民服务的教育。

  • Progresses and develops together wholeheartedly with you ! Welcome to order .

    竭诚与您一同进步和发展!欢迎来电来 来样订做。

  • Wholeheartedly to solve the problem is our efforts we are committed to providing more perfect service !

    全心全意的为 客户解决问题是我们的不懈努力,我们致力于为客户提供更为完善的服务!

  • If not you need the above products please contact us we wholeheartedly at your service !

    如果上面没有您需要的产品请来电咨询,我们 竭诚 您服务!

  • We wholeheartedly for Chinese and foreign investors new and old customers with quality products and quality service .

    我们 竭诚为中外客商、新老用户提供优质的产品和一流的服务。

  • I can also wholeheartedly is they pays .

    我也能 全心全意的为他们付出。

  • We will welcome you wholeheartedly your help and deigned to inquire !

    我们将竭诚欢迎您的 惠顾和垂询!

  • He adopted wholeheartedly some of the policies that he had previously criticized .

    全心全意 采纳了一些他先前批评过的政策。

  • The HY group will serve wholeheartedly for you !

    HY集团将 竭诚为您服务!

  • However I cannot wholeheartedly give you the absolution you seem to be seeking .

    然而,我无法 慷慨 给予你似乎正在寻求的宽恕。

  • With eligible quality sincere attitude enterprise wholeheartedly expects to cooperate with you to develop together .

    企业以合格的产品质量,诚信的工作态度, 竭诚希望与您合作,共同发展。

  • During my time away I have made an important decision . I will wholeheartedly fulfill all commitments that I have to date .

    在我离开的这段时间,我已经做了一个很重要的决定,我将 全心全意 履行我所有的承诺。

  • The company wholeheartedly welcome you join bigger our cause seek greater social contribution .

    公司 竭诚欢迎你的加盟,做强做大我们的事业,寻求更大的社会贡献。

  • We are wholeheartedly welcome domestic and overseas customers'inquiry we will do our utmost to service you .

    公司 竭诚欢迎国内外客户的垂询,我们将竭尽全力为您服务!

  • This factory welcomes newly old customer 's of home and abroad presence your patronage wholeheartedly .

    本厂 竭诚欢迎国内外新老客户光临 惠顾

  • We will wholeheartedly sincere for you to create a different art different worlds of the home environment .

    我们将 全心全意的真诚为您打造一个具有不同艺术、不同世界的家居环境。

  • I 've accurately described the Administration policy and I support it wholeheartedly .

    我能精确地描述政府的政策,并且 全心全意 支持它。

  • I agreed wholeheartedly to her suggestions .

    全心全意 赞成她的建议。

  • I just want to do this project wholeheartedly .

    我只想 一心一意把这个项目做好。

  • Please believe me when I say I love you truly and wholeheartedly .

    当我说我真的爱你, 全心全意 爱你的时候,请相信我。

  • If you decided to learn a new language you would have to dedicate yourself wholeheartedly to the cause .

    如果你决定学一种新的语言,你将不得不 全心全意的投入其中。

  • I wholeheartedly welcome customers to visit our company to discuss work .

    公司 竭诚欢迎广大客户到公司参观指导洽谈工作。

  • They let me do whatever I want and they support it wholeheartedly .

    他们让我做我想干的事情,他们 全心全意支持我。

  • In order to realize the strategy library should comprehensively improve service serve the reader wholeheartedly .

    为了实现这一战略,图书馆应在 理念、为和 视觉上综合提高服务质量, 全心全意 读者 满意服务。