wholesale distributor

[ˈholˌsel dɪˈstrɪbjətɚ][ˈhəʊlˌseɪl dɪˈstrɪbjətə]


  • The traditional wholesale model adopted by large enterprises in the air-ticket agent is confronted with continuous impact of the new model in the market . In order to seek development big wholesale agent in various area begin to build new air-ticket e-commerce distributor platform .

    作为机票代理商中的大型企业采用的传统批发模式面临着市场中的新型模式的不断冲击,因此为了谋求发展,各地的大型 批发代理人开始打造新型的机票电子商务 分销平台。

  • Our company has transformed from an OEM and wholesale distributor to one providing clothes trade services to companies and individuals around the world .

    公司由开始集生产加工、 经销 批发于一体的企业,转变成为向全球服装企业和个人服务的企业。

  • For instance a wholesale distributor faces risks of over-and under-supply positions tenuous supply sources and unnecessarily high purchase prices .

    例如,一个 批发本着 面临着供货过量和不足、薄弱的供货来源以及不必要的高采购价格等方面的风险。

  • With retail the publisher gets paid a heavily-discounted wholesale price when the distributor sells games to retailers regardless of what the game eventually sells for .

    与零售,出版商得到付出了全副 批发价格折扣时, 分销商向零售商销售游戏,无论什么样的游戏最终售价。