wholesale dealer

[ˈholˌsel ˈdilɚ][ˈhəʊlˌseɪl ˈdi:lə]

[经] 批发商

  • Frankly speaking wholesale dealer in our country is not quite satisfied with the goods import from you .

    坦率地说吧,我们那里的 批发商对从你方进口的货物不太满意。

  • Wholesale dealer 's licence to supply dangerous drug

    供应危险药物 批发商许可证

  • The day which welcome everyplace area City to have property dint in the meantime act for sale with the porcelain and ceramics cooperation of wholesale dealer .

    同时欢迎各地区市有资力的日用陶瓷 批发商合作代理销售。

  • I know a senior high school student who has been selling cards and has now become an amateur wholesale dealer .

    我认识一个高中生,他一直在卖贺卡,现在成了一名业余 批发商