


  • Waxwork depicting Shanghai whorehouse in late19th century Shanghai History Museum basement of Oriental Pearl Tower .

    上海 东方明珠塔底层历史陈列馆蜡像妓女。清朝末年的上海。

  • Would you not need the whorehouse and the inn ?

    你是不是可以不 妓院或是酒馆?

  • Some problems of the Zaju play history in the Yuan Dynasty seen from The Volume of Whorehouse

    青楼 所见元杂剧史的几个问题

  • Spain today is one big whorehouse .

    西班牙现在就是个超级的大 妓院

  • I 'm sure Cassidy would rather be buried behind the whorehouse .

    我敢肯定卡西迪宁愿安葬在 妓院后面。

  • It is better than living in this whorehouse called spain .

    胜过在西班牙这个 妓院的生活吧。

  • How many of you 'd like to live next to a whorehouse ?

    你们谁愿意住在 妓院旁边?

  • They die near the fences of a whorehouse .

    也要死在 妓院的围墙边。

  • He has a hand in every casino opium den and whorehouse .

    西环的赌场,烟馆、 妓院,他 全都

  • What 's the bad news ? They close the local whorehouse ?

    坏消息是什么?他们关闭了当地的 妓院

  • Or go to the whorehouse and spread your legs .

    要不去 妓院伸开你的腿。

  • Asshole would have probably taken you to a whorehouse .

    那混蛋会把你们 妓院