white muscle

[hwaɪt ˈmʌsəl][hwait ˈmʌsl]


  • Muscular bridges of red or white muscle fibers were used to suture respectively dogs ' femoral nerve and median nerve 3 cm defects .

    分别用红、 纤维为肌桥,桥接狗股神经和正中神经缺损3cm。

  • The Influence of Exhaustion Swimming on the Contractible Properties of White Mice Skeletal Muscle ;

    运动对小鼠骨骼 收缩性能的影响能够收缩或者已经收缩了。

  • Measures of Reducing Sliver and White - muscle Defect of Cold Rolled Plate

    减少冷轧钢板线状和 缺陷的措施

  • Number and arrangement of myofibers ( esp. white muscle myofibers ) were significantly influenced and trunk myotomes shortened .


  • Experimental Morphological Research on Muscular Bridge of Red or White Muscle Fibers Suturing Defective Nerves in Dogs

    红、 纤维为肌桥缝接狗神经缺损的实验形态学研究

  • Methods By the test of in vivo and out vivo it is observed the influence of the liquid on little white mouse with toxic syndrome their existing time blood cholinergic activity and intestine smooth muscle .

    方法通过在体和离体实验,观察 甘液对小鼠的中毒症状、存活时间、全血胆碱酯酶活性及对肠 平滑肌的影响。

  • The abundance of α 1 protein was increased in red and white muscle by 20 % and 15 % respectively .

    在红色和 白色 骨骼 中,α1亚基的蛋白质表达分别增加了20%和15%。

  • The optimum pH for the reaction of both red and white muscle microsome was between 6.0 and 7.0 . The interaction of H 2O 2 with Hb to form activated MetHb was able to initiate nonenzymic catalysis oxidation of lipid in microsomal fractions of both types of muscle .

    红、 白色 细胞微粒体脂肪氧化最适pH值在6.0~7.0之间。高铁血红蛋白和肌红蛋白被过氧化氢激活后,能催化非酶氧化。

  • Objective To explore the expression of uncoupling protein-2 mRNA in brown adipose tissue white adipose tissue and skeletal muscle of diet-induced obesity-resistant ( DIO-R ) rats .

    目的探讨高脂饮食诱导肥胖抵抗大鼠褐色脂肪组织(BAT)、 白色脂肪组织(WAT)和骨骼 解偶联蛋白2(UCP2)基因的表达。

  • And the both densities of RMF and white muscle fiber ( WMF ) in the treatment of 20 mg / kg increased very significantly ( P < 0 01 ) .

    20mg/kg剂量时红、 纤维密度均达极显著水平(P<0.01)。

  • Objective In order to explore effect of different diet composition on uncoupling proteins 2 ( UCP2 ) gene expression in rat brown adipose tissue white adipose tissue and skeletal muscle .

    目的探讨不同饲料构成对大鼠褐色脂肪组织、 白色脂肪组织与骨骼 解偶联蛋白-2基因表达的影响。

  • The money I get from teaching evening classes provides a supplement to my income from my job . White muscle operates on a twitch now pay later basis .

    我在夜校教书的收入是工资的补充。 的工作方式是先消耗,后补充。

  • Gastrocnemius is type II that is shrinking fast white muscle fibers in the aspects of aerobic capacity contraction speed and fatigue resistance is poor Belonging to high-intensity short-term movement of the muscle type .

    腓肠肌是Ⅱ型,即 快缩 纤维,在有氧能力、收缩速度、以及疲劳阻力方面较差,属于高强度、短时间运动的肌肉类型。

  • The RNA-DNA ratio in white muscle of black seabream is the highest in June ( P < 0.01 ) .

    雄性及雌性黑鲷 中RNA-DNA比率在6月均显著高于其他季节的水平(P<0.05)。

  • Anatomical pathology showed that the muscle at the both side of the carps back became thin and looked like knife blade muscular dystrophy and white muscle . The liver and spleen were swollen with hyperemia and hemorrhage .

    病理剖解,可见背部两侧肌肉萎缩变薄,呈刀刃状,体侧红 纤维退色变 ;肝脏和脾脏肿大、充血、出血。

  • RT-PCR was used to detect the genes related to energy consumption glucose-lipid metabolism in white adipose brown adipose and muscle tissue .

    取其 白色脂肪(肠系膜)、棕色脂肪和 骨骼 组织,以RT-PCR法检测胰岛素敏感组织基因表达变化。

  • Compared to the soybean meal basal diet diet supplemented with 0.090 % and 0.135 % MHA-Ca resulted in significant higher protein content in the white muscle ( P < 0.05 ) but it was not different from the fish meal diet ( P > 0.05 ) .

    同豆粕基础饲料组相比,0.090%和 0.135%MHA-Ca组鲤 肌肉蛋白质含量显著增加(P>0.05),但与鱼粉组相比无显著性差异(P>0.05)。

  • In white muscle increased replacement level for fish meal protein with soybean protein did not change PDE ( P > 0.05 ) .

    Kd与 Ks的变化趋势相似(P<0.1),而PDE没有受到饲料中大豆蛋白对鱼粉蛋白替代的影响(P>0.05)。

  • An intercross between Meishan and Large White pig population was used to map quantitative trait loci ( QTL ) for protein percentage in muscle .

    用梅山猪与大 白猪构建的资源家系检测影响 肌肉蛋白质含量的数量性状座位(QTL)。

  • Generation mechanism of white spots in Xuanwei ham 's muscle

    宣威火腿 肌肉 白点形成机理的初步研究

  • Plaque consists of a mix of cholesterol white blood cells and smooth muscle cells and as it accumulates a network of capillaries sprouts from the artery walls to nourish the cells .

    栓塞是由胆固醇、 血细胞和平滑的 肌肉细胞组成的混合体构成。随着沉积物质的积聚,就会从动脉壁上产生毛细血管网,为细胞提供养分。

  • DNT caused little white rats 、 chicks death and muscle tissue damaged .

    DNT能够致死 小白鼠和雏鸡,并对 肌肉组织产生损害。

  • After refeeding the RNA / DNA ratio and protein contents in liver and white muscle were recovered to the levels of fed controls .

    再投喂后,肝脏RNA/DNA比值、蛋白质含量和 蛋白质含量均恢复至正常投喂组水平, RNA/DNA比值升高并显著高于正常投喂组水平;

  • Results : The TA could be classified into red muscle white muscle and intermediate muscle by SDH staining . The TA consisted of 53.3 % of red muscle 17.8 % of white muscle and 28.9 % of intermediate muscle .

    结果:甲杓肌的横断面上可清晰分出红肌、 及中间肌3种类型肌纤维,它们的构成比分别为53.3%、17.8%、28.9%;

  • And cytokines released by white blood cells set off the fever headache muscle ache and loss of appetite .

    血球释放的细胞因子(cytokine)会导致发烧、头疼、 肌肉酸痛以及食欲不振。