white level

[hwaɪt ˈlɛvəl][hwait ˈlevl]


  • The paper mainly describes the application of the random signal to the simulation of road roughness the arithmetics of AR and the pseudo white noise are used to simulate the C level road roughness respectively .

    重点研究了随机信号在路面不平度仿真中的应用,分别使用AR法和伪 噪声法在空间域下对C 路面进行仿真。

  • When the white noise level was 30 % and 5-year running average was used low biomass corresponded to high surplus production .

    白色噪音 水平为30%且应用五年移动平均时,低生物量对应高剩余产量;

  • The Joker : I took Gotham 's white knight and lowered him to our level .

    小丑:我抢过哥谭的 白马骑士,把他降低到我们的 档次

  • The research results are as follows : ( 1 ) Color balanced algorithm of gray patch remedies the deficiency of white patch algorithm invalid in analyzing low gray level picture and the defect of gray world algorithm which can only use for picture with abundant of color variation .

    研究内容及成果如下:(1)Graypatch色彩平衡算法,弥补 whitepatch算法分析低 灰度图像无效的不足,以及grayworld算法只能用于色彩变化丰富图像的缺陷。

  • Basic ink has only black and white with ink as raw materials add in water and draw the different shade ( black white ash ) level which is called MoYun .

    基本的水墨画只有黑白两色,以墨为原料,以加入清水的多少不同而绘制出不同浓淡(黑、 、灰)的 层次,称之为墨韵。

  • When the environment variations are high the white noise level ( coefficient of variation ) increases to 35 % the stable fish population becomes spasmodic .

    在环境变化较大时, 白色噪音 水平(变动系数)增加至35%,稳定型种群变为不稳定型。

  • Large intestinal EOS infiltration as well as elevated circulatory eosinophils and white blood cell count and increased level of IgE suggest the diagnosis of HES .

    循环中EOS、 细胞计数和IgE的高 水平以及大肠的EOS浸润提示HES的诊断。

  • In the Ming Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty Qing Dynasty Blue and white porcelain is different and formed its own unique style in which each dynasty Blue and white porcelain has a characteristic each again the quality level is not the same .

    明代青花瓷和元代、清代的青花瓷都有所不同,且形成自己独特的风格,其中各朝的 青花瓷又各有特点,质量 水平也不尽相同。

  • When the white noise level was 50 % surplus production was high at high biomass .

    50%的 白色噪音 水平显示了高生物量时有高剩余产量。

  • Stochastic noises in FOG mainly consist of fractal ( 1 / f γ) noises and white noises and the problem of estimating parameters of stochastic noises in FOG is to estimate fractal noise level white noise level and fractal parameter .

    光纤陀螺随机噪声主要包括1/fγ分形噪声和白噪声,估计光纤陀螺随机噪声的参数就是估计分形噪声的强度、 噪声的 强度以及分形参数。

  • The power spectra of ABRs in guinea pigs exposed to the steady white noise at level 125 and 131 dBSPL have been analysed in this paper .

    本文对豚鼠125和 131dBSPL稳态 噪声暴露后听觉脑干诱发反应(ABR)功率谱进行了研究。

  • The study shows that genes in black and white women differ at the molecular level which could be responsible for the aggressive clinical features of breast tumors seen in black women Dr.

    研究表明,黑人和 白人女性在分子 水平上的基因的差异,导致了黑人妇女在乳癌肿瘤临床特性的差异。

  • The TV control interface occurs in a white box expansion at this level of decomposition and thus is treated as a black box .

    “电视控制接口”就被 视作一个 盒来处理。

  • RAPD fingerprinting maps of yellow and white bamboo shoot amplified by thirty-seven arbitrarily primers were reported . Difference between individuals of yellow and white bamboo shoot was detected on molecular level .

    报道了由37个随机引物扩增出的毛竹黄、白笋个体RAPD指纹图谱,从分子 水平上证实了毛竹黄、 笋个体存在真实的遗传差异。

  • Objective To observe the effects of iNO on number of white blood cells and level of IL-8 in BALF of meconium aspiration pneumonia animals .

    目的探讨吸入NO对胎粪吸入性肺炎肺泡灌洗液中 细胞数目、 IL8的影响。

  • The texture information can be estimated by using gray level co occurrence matrix from which 12 texture images can be derived . The object can be easily generated by computer both black white and gray level object can be used in our method .

    首先,采用共生矩阵的方法,对图像纹理特征进行描述,产生纹理特征波段。物体信息由计算机产生或用CCD记录,可以是有一定 灰阶的物体。

  • Addition of 5 % rice bran into wheat flour produced bread very similar in quality to the bread made of white wheat . Increasing bran level to 10 % ~ 15 % could affect the quality of bread as far as volume crumb color and smell are concerned .

    添加5%米糠的面包品质与纯 面粉面包非常接近。添加10%~15% 米糠会影响面包体积、包心色泽和口感。

  • Analysis of the relationship between cerebral hemorrhage and white blood cell count and blood sugar level

    脑出血预后与血 细胞数及 血糖的关系分析

  • Outside where the garden was yesterday there is now a white and glistening level .

    外面,昨天的花园,现在却是光辉 皎洁的一片。

  • A neutral white card may be used to set the white balance level on some advanced digital cameras .

    某些高级数码相机可以使用一张中性白色卡片调节 平衡。

  • 80 % of case had persistent cough 48 % had fever the white blood cell in most case were in nomal level . 72 % case had pneumocystis by X ray which show early then signs of lung .

    表现多样化,80%病例具有持续性咳嗽,48%有中等度发热, 细胞多在正常值 范围内,X线72%呈间质性肺炎改变。

  • Occupation : white collar the management level of enterprises and bosses of enterprises with rich income .

    职业: 白领,企业 高层,企业老板等中高收入阶层。

  • Not only does the white flocculus in honey suckle drinks level down their own qualities but bring about the pecuniary losses for enterprises .

    金银花饮料中 白色 絮状物不但影响饮料本身的品质,还会给生产企业造成一定的经济损失。

  • Some display between black and white states the performance reaches the level of twist nematic liquid crystal display device .

    有些甚至可达到扭曲向列相液晶显示器的显示效果,实现 黑白显示。

  • Cho level : Except white matter of frontal lobes in case 1 the level of Cho was lower in the case group than that in the control group ( P < 0.01 ) .

    胆碱:除病例1额叶 质以外,病例组中均低于对照(P<0.01)。

  • Results ( 1 ) Diagnose coincidence rate of Retinoblastoma by ultrasonic examination is 100 % which is based on eye feature-children less than 5 years old white pupil low level echo place holder with calcification .

    结果(1)超声检查对视网膜母细胞瘤的诊断符合率为100%。根据年龄特点5岁以内儿童, 瞳孔超声示眼内低 回声占位伴钙斑。

  • It is an extreme case admittedly : regardless of how it is resolved Congress and the White House have lately taken fiscal irresponsibility to a new level .

    债务上限僵局的确是个非常事件,这一点毋庸置疑:无论最终如何解决,国会和 白宫近来的表现都已将财政失责推到了一个全新的 高度

  • In white muscle increased replacement level for fish meal protein with soybean protein did not change PDE ( P > 0.05 ) .

    肌Kd与 肌Ks的变化趋势相似(P<0.1),而PDE没有受到饲料中大豆蛋白对鱼粉蛋白替代的 影响(P>0.05)。