
[ˈhwɪskɚ, ˈwɪs-][ˈwɪskə(r)]


  • We determined a series of technology data for synthesis of magnesium borate whisker .

    本研究确定了硼酸镁 晶须合成的一系列工艺条件。

  • Unemployment is now a whisker away from three million .

    现在的失业 人数已接近300万。

  • Effect of Different Solid / Liquid Ratio and Raw Material Size on Preparation of Calcium Sulfate Whisker with Desulphurization Gypsum

    不同固液比和原料粒度对脱硫石膏制备硫酸钙 晶须的影响

  • The recent research development of ageing behavior of SiC whisker or particulate reinforced aluminum matrix composites is reviewed .

    综述了近年来碳化硅 晶须和碳化硅颗粒增强铝基复合材料时效行为的研究发展状况。

  • Erosion wear resistance of aluminum borate crystal whisker reinforced coatings

    硼酸铝 晶须增强涂料的冲刷磨损性能研究

  • A summary of the study on the growth mechanism and stabilizing treatment of calcium sulfate whisker

    硫酸钙 晶须的生长机理及稳定化处理研究综述

  • My mom is a cat whisker collector I 'm her sole supplier .

    我妈妈是位猫 收藏家,我是她唯一的供应商。

  • Meanwhile the whisker orientation affects the shapes of the stress strain curves of the composites .

    同时 晶须取向也影响复合材料的热压缩应力-应变曲线的形状。

  • Study on the preparation and morphology of calcium sulfate whisker by hydrothermal synthesis method ;

    研究了分别 填充钛酸钾晶须、碳酸钙 晶须、针状 硅灰石对 刹车 摩擦磨损性能的影响。

  • Study on the influence of rutile nano-TiO_2 on performance of CaSO_4 whisker / PP-R resin composite

    金红石型纳米TiO2对CaSO4 晶须/PP-R树脂复合材料性能的影响

  • The usual shapes and lengths of tin whisker in electronic integrated circuit ( ECI ) encapsulation industry were introduced .

    介绍了电子集成电路封装行业中常见的锡 的形状及长度。

  • But the strong alkali is disadvantageous to the synthesis of the whisker .

    强碱不利于 晶须的合成;

  • They understand that the difference between winning and losing is often as slight as a cat 's whisker .

    他们理解到在胜利与失败之间的经常只有像猫 一样细微的差别。

  • Influences of decoloring of bitter brine ratio of magnesium to boron nucleation method on composition and morphology of magnesium borate whisker were investigated .

    系统研究了苦卤的脱色、镁硼比例以及成核方式对 晶须组成和形貌的影响。

  • The performance of fireproof coatings for steel structures were improved by use of the ZnO whisker .

    纳米氧化锌 晶须添加剂来提高钢结构防火涂料的各项性能。

  • Wear resistance of complex reinforced coating with aluminum borate whisker and graphite powder

    硼酸铝 晶须和石墨粉复合增强型涂料的耐磨性能

  • The effect of whisker fraction on flexural strength of whisker-PMMA composite reinforced with potassium titanate whiskers

    钛酸钾 晶须的添加量对晶须增强PMMA挠曲强度影响

  • A new pet census showed that cats now outnumber dogs by a whisker ( 7 million to 6.9 million )

    新的宠物普查显示出猫的数量略微超过了狗的 数量(700万比690万)。

  • She came within a whisker of taking a gold medal

    她离金牌 只有一步之

  • By regulating the technology preferable calcium carbonate whisker was prepared and it provided experience for manufacture of calcium carbonate whisker in carbonizer .

    通过调整工艺,制备了较好的碳酸钙 晶须,为在碳化塔中生产碳酸钙晶须积累了经验。

  • Research on influencing factor of mechanical properties of SiC whisker toughened photosensitive resins

    SiC 晶须增韧光敏树脂的力学性能影响因素研究

  • The inorganic whisker is a special one in the High-tech new compound material .

    无机 晶须 材料是高技术复合材料中的一种特殊成员。

  • Preparation and Application of Nano-Neodymium Oxide and Magnesium Hydroxide Whisker

    纳米氧化钕和氢氧化镁 晶须的制备及其性能研究

  • Investigation on the SiC Whisker Reinforced Resin Matrix Composite in the UV Curing of Rapid Prototyping

    光固化快速成型中SiC 晶须增强树脂基复合材料的研究

  • The roof tile missed me by a whisker .

    屋顶的瓦一 一点儿就砸在我头上了。

  • Calcium sulphate whisker was prepared by hydrothermal method using seawater or brine as raw material .

    以海水卤水为原料,采用水热法制备了硫酸钙 晶须

  • Influence of ZnO Whisker on the Agglomeration and Properties of TCP / HAP Composite Bioceramics

    ZnO 晶须对TCP/HAP双相生物陶瓷烧结行为和性能的影响

  • The candidate lost the election by a whisker .

    该候选人以 微弱 劣势失去了竞选。

  • Study on preparation and performance of CaSO_4 whisker / PP-R composite

    CaSO4 晶须/PP-R树脂复合材料制备及性能研究

  • I passed the examination by a whisker .

    我考试 一点就及格了。