


  • The what-if analysis uses a virtual index under the covers to assess the effective of the indexes .

    如果 这样 怎样的分析”使用了虚拟索引来评估索引的效果。

  • The graphical representation of systems in the Integration Flow Designer helps to visualize system designs what-if scenarios and system execution behavior .

    IntegrationFlowDesigner中的图形系统表示将帮助可视化系统设计、 假设场景和系统执行行为。

  • On consideration I change this one to playing what-if games which does have an outcome : learning financial planning .

    经过考虑,我把这个 用例 成“做 假设 分析 what-if 游戏”,它的确有一个结果:了解财务计划。

  • The ability to do what-if scenarios of organizational change is priceless .

    能够做 什麽如果场景中的组织变化是无价的。

  • It allows you to consider various options or what-if scenarios so you can make an informed decision based on best business practices .

    通过其可以考虑各个选项或 假定场景,以便根据最佳业务实践作出明智的决策。

  • The Nash Michael w_1697 Finley Nellie what-if questions are gone as people realize that we have a decent team and Avery is doing such a great job . ' '

    关于Nash、Michael]Finley、 Nellie 假设问题已经随着人们意识到我们有一支不错的球队以及Avery正在做一项多么伟大的工作而退散了。

  • The Portfolio Dashboard with its Scorecard and Investment Maps OLAP Pivots and what-if feature supports the processes required to select and manage the right mix of assets for a portfolio .

    PortfolioDashboard具有记分卡和投资气泡图、OLAPPivots,和 假设 分析特性支持所需的过程来选择并管理用于投资组合的恰当的资产混合。

  • On-demand consolidation for enhanced what-if scenario modeling .

    按需增强 假设场景建模巩固。

  • A Research on What-if Model of the Cause of Equal Value Difference

    均值差异原因的 假设 分析模型

  • Accounting will evolve to put less emphasis on providing a snapshot and more on the basis for projections and on what-if scenarios .

    会计制度将发生演变,更少关注于提供公司概况,更多地关注预测依据和“ 假设”情境。

  • Weak points are identified during backward propagation for what-if studies . The model provides useful tools for distribution system reliability re-assessment .

    通过 贝叶斯 网络的反向 推理 可以进行 各类 假设 分析,识别 网络中的薄弱环节,为配电系统可靠性再评估提供了有效工具。

  • Quantitatively simulate the evolution of the project and explore what-if scenarios .

    数值模拟项目的演变,研究「 假如 & 就会」的情景。

  • It shows the decision maker how to use the methods of dialogs in various styles supported by IFPS / personal for example the what-if sensitivity analysis goal seeking to help them select a better decision .

    介绍了决策者怎样使用 IFPS/Personal支持的多种风格的对话方法.如whatif、灵敏度分析和目标追求来选择更好的决策。

  • We have a huge advantage over traditional engineers who would probably love to be able to construct their designs freely and play what-if games .

    相对于传统的工程师,我们有着巨大的优势。传统工程师肯定也很希望能够免费地建造他们的设计,并进行 假设 分析的游戏。

  • After process enhancements are modeled by you these changes can be simulated and validated in multiple what-if scenarios for comparison and analysis .

    您进行了流程增强建模后,可以在多个 假设场景中模拟和验证这些更改,以便进行比较和分析。

  • This enables what-if analysis without incurring the overhead of implementing the new configuration before tuning .

    这可以实现 假设分析,又不会在优化前产生实施新配置的开销。

  • Because it is so easy to experiment with different numbers spreadsheet software is particularly useful for what-if analysis .

    因为它很容易与不同的数字实验,电子表格软件是特别有用的 假设分析。

  • Simulation lets you create and test what-if scenarios before deployment to identify business impact .

    通过模拟,可以在部署前创建和测试 假定场景,从而确定业务影响。

  • Often the decision-maker will want to see the sensitivity of the analysis by doing what-if analysis on the layers of demand .

    决策者通常想要通过“ 假设 分析”分析需求层次来看见分析的敏感性。

  • This is the equivalent of running hundreds or thousands of what-if scenarios all at once .

    这等同于一次运行成百上千个“ 假设 分析”情境。

  • Any Changes in this section are temporary for what-if analysis purposes and discarded after logout .

    此部分任何的改变是暂时的,因为是 假定分析的目的,注销后 数据 就会丢失。

  • With visualization and metrics in one interactive interface almost unlimited what-if scenarios are possible .

    随著在一个可视化和交互界面的指标,几乎无限的 假设情景是可能的。