wire loop

[waɪr lup][ˈwaiə lu:p]


  • The transmitter introduced here is made of solid IC which is a kind of two wire open loop instrument featuring with non contact and range / zero point adjustable .

    所介绍的变送器采用固体集成电路,是一种非接触式、量程和零点可调的 二线 仪表。

  • As an important type of wire antenna loop antenna finds a wide application .

    圆环天线(波长 )是一类应用较为广泛的重要的 线天线形式。

  • First the magnetic field strength and its gradient distribution are calculated and the results show that single circular wire loop can be used to built a micro-lens .

    首先,利用单个圆形载流 导线形成单个微型磁透镜,计算了聚焦磁场的强度及其梯度的空间分布,并且模拟了单个圆形 导线对~(87)Rb 原子 的聚焦过程。

  • Fault Analysis of Wire Clip Heating in Neutral Point Loop of Main Transformer

    主变中性点 回路 线夹发热引起的故障分析

  • By adding a route wire loop number through the use of carbon fiber composite core conductor increases with each loop of the conveying capacity can improve and alleviate the route corridor resources shortage .

    通过增加每一条线路路径的 导线 回路数,通过采用碳纤维复合芯导线增加每回路的输送容量,就可以改善和缓解线路路径走廊资源紧张问题。

  • Make sure that the wire harness forms a sufficiently large loop .

    确保 线束形成足够大的 环路

  • Results : The primary fixation devices of fracture patellas were plaster cast circumferential wire loop fixation tension band fixation or modified tension band fixation .

    结果:骨折后形成大髌骨者,原固定方法分别为石膏、 钢丝或丝线 环扎、张力带或改良张力带固定等。

  • Switching circuit is designed to switch the signal through 71 different induction wire loop .

    并设计制作了信号切换电路,完成对71个诱导 线 回路的自动切换。

  • Research on Pulse Radiation Characteristics of the Dielectric Parallel-loaded Wire Loop Antenna

    并联介质加载 天线的脉冲辐射特性研究

  • Simulation Study of Wire Loop Profiling in IC Wire bonding

    IC引线键合 引线轮廓成形仿真研究

  • The degree of thermal damage was related to voltage diameter of the loop wire and moving velocity of loop during operation .

    热损伤程度与电压、电环 钢丝横截面直径及 移动速度有关。

  • Multiple long oblique comminuted fracture of femoral shaft treated with interlocking intramedullary nail and supplementary wire loop fixation and limited open reduction

    交锁髓内钉加 钢丝 环扎治疗股骨干多段大斜面粉碎性骨折

  • The current distributions on conducting straight wire and a circular loop excited by a Gaussian pulse are computed .

    线 天线 天线为例,计算了在高斯脉冲激励下的电流响应。

  • Note in the lower left glomerulus that the capillary loops are markedly thickened ( the so-called wire loop lesion of lupus nephritis ) .

    左下角的肾小球毛细血管管壁显著增厚(狼疮性肾炎时的 线圈征)。

  • By analyzing the parameters of the transmitting loop and the effect of late-time of transmitting current a small time constant of wire of transmitting loop is determined .

    分析了发射 线圈的电性对发射电流后沿的影响,确定了作为发射线圈的 导线的时间常数应尽量小;

  • To introduce two kinds of temperature control modes and system composing for induction heating in oil tempered steel wire production line . The open loop control has bigger effect on the property of steel wire and its operation requirements are strict .

    介绍油淬火回火 钢丝生产线感应加热温度控制的2种方式及系统组成,开 控制对钢丝性能的影响较大,对操作要求严。

  • The most important tools potters use are their own hands ; however they also use wire loop tools wooden modeling tools plain wire and sponges .

    制陶器最重要的工具是工匠们自己的双手,但有时他们也用些别的工具,如 绳圈、木模、素线、海绵等。

  • Our conclusion contains : ( 1 ) the metal wire loop length metal width and slit width has a certain impact on natural frequency of SRR and dipole oscillation absorption .

    得到的结论主要有:(1)金属 共振 的金属 线长、金属线宽以及狭缝宽度对固有频率振荡吸收和偶极振荡吸收均有一定的影响。

  • Then three novel designs for Left-Handed Medium ( LHM ) composed of single triangular open loop resonator plus wire structure double triangular open loop resonator plus wire ( TOLR-wire ) structure and individual electric plus magnetic resonators are introduced .

    其次,分别研究了由三角形开口单环加线结构、对 加线结构以及独立电磁谐振单元组成的三种新型左手媒质。

  • Wire loop profile and its strain which greatly affect the density and stability of IC packaging are determined by the capillary trajectory .

    IC引线 中, 头的运动轨迹决定着 引线轮廓的形状和内部张力,影响着封装的密集度和稳定性。

  • Another lens scheme is constructed by a circular wire loop .

    另一种是利用圆形载流 导线形成可 控制的微型原子磁透镜及其列阵的新方案。

  • Wind the wire in loop and put it away in the tools

    铁丝 圈圈,放到工具棚里

  • After the FEA model is validated by experiment trajectory parameters analysis is made by grouping simulation to study the effects of trajectory parameters on wire loop profile and its interior strain .

    在仿真结果得到试验验证的基础上,通过分组仿真对键合头运动的轨迹参数做分析,研究各个键合头运动轨迹参数对 引线轮廓形状及内部张力的影响状况;

  • This article analyses the main loop wire feeding loop and logic loop of the AC-1200 welder discusses the feature and wire feeding method as well as the logic control of the welder . It is convenient for the adjusting and maintenance .

    通过对AC-1200焊机主回路、 回路、逻辑回路的分析,探讨了焊机的组成结构特点及送丝方式,较全面地分析了焊机的逻辑控制,可为调试及维修提供方便。

  • Grip the enlarged handle of the hook and feed the wire loop through the button hole .

    抓住钩的扩大柄和通过按键洞喂 电报

  • Objective : To investigate the clinical effects of interlocking intramedullary nail and supplementary wire loop fixation and limited open reduction in the treatment of multiple long oblique comminuted fracture of femoral shaft .

    目的:评价有限切口、开放复位、交锁髓内钉加 钢丝 环扎治疗股骨干多段大斜面粉碎性骨折的临床效果。

  • You will have to rewire the indicator ; the tunnel is created automatically as the wire leaves the loop .

    你将必须重新连线,当 连线离开 循环时将自动地创建一个隧道。

  • The double-pattern system requires that data acquisition and processing can demodulate real part and imaginary part information of detected wire loop fixed in different angles .

    这种双模式系统要求数据采集和处理部分同时解调安装在不同角度的检测 线圈的实部和虚部信息。

  • Study of the New Magnetic Sensor Using Single Amorphous Wire Core and Double-Winding Closed Loop System

    非晶 单磁芯双绕组 闭环系统新型磁场传感器研究