withstand voltage


  • Effect of epoxy cover on withstand voltage for high voltage ceramic capacitor

    环氧包封层对高压陶瓷电容器 电压水平的影响研究

  • Line frequency withstand voltage test is a test to verify low-voltage appliance 's solid insulation and the capacity to withstand short time over-voltage .

    工频 耐受 电压试验是验证低压电器固体绝缘及其耐受暂态过电压能力的试验。

  • The Withstand Voltage Analysis and Same Polarity Anti-superposition Control during LV TSC Removal

    低压TSC切除时承压分析和防 同极性迭加控制

  • The principle and working process of a FM serial resonance device was introduced and its application no AC withstand voltage test of high voltage XLPE insulated cable was also discussed .

    介绍一种调频串联谐振装置的原理及工作过程,并在高压交联聚乙烯(XLPE)绝缘电缆交流 耐压试验中应用。

  • According to the test results a withstand voltage test procedure for GIS and GIC is suggested .

    根据试验结果提出了GIS和GIC结合 耐压试验进行 电压净化的程序。

  • Development of Intelligent Insulated Resistance and Withstand Voltage test Instrument Based on DSP

    基于DSP的智能绝缘 耐压测试仪的研制

  • Vacuum interrupter develops to high-voltage so its internal insulation level also put forward higher requirements . Compared with the medium voltage the withstand voltage of the high-voltage vacuum interrupter is more prominent .

    与中压等级真空灭弧室相比,高压真空灭弧室的 耐压问题特别重要,要求其内部具有更高的绝缘水平,这些问题都需要在对其设计的过程中考虑并解决。

  • Power frequency withstand voltage test commonly acquires high voltage by testing transformer .

    工频 耐压试验一般采用试验变压器来获得高电压。

  • But the withstand voltage of power electronic device is still finite which not only limits the overvoltage tolerant capability but also presents challenges on overvoltage protection .

    然而, 半导体 材料的影响,电力电子器件的 耐压始终有限,这不但限制了高压变频器过电压的承受能力,还增加了过电压保护设计的难度。

  • Influence of Winding Position to Withstand Voltage Test on Interturn Insulation of High-voltage Ex Motor and Its Elimination Measure

    高压防爆电机线圈匝间绝缘 耐压试验中线圈位置的影响及其消除方法

  • Withstand voltage characteristics of donor-doped semiconducting BaTiO_3 ceramics was studied by means of process tests property measurement and microscopic analysis .

    通过工艺实验,性能测试和微观结构分析,研究了施主掺杂半导化BaTiO3陶瓷的 耐压性能。

  • With the rapid development of the power industry in China and with more and more XLPE cables being installed and used the conduction of on-site ac withstand voltage test is a necessity in order to guarantee the quality of XLPE cables before installation .

    随着我国的电力事业的迅速发展,伴随越来越多的XLPE电缆的安装和使用,为了检验和保证XLPE电缆的安装质量,在送电投运前,对XLPE电缆进行现场交流 耐压试验十分必要。

  • The selection of shunt reactor parameters and the most withstand voltage calculation of neutral point small reactor are discussed for different compensation modes .

    给出了各种补偿方式下并联电抗器参数选择方法和中性点小电抗的最大 耐受 电压计算方法。

  • The implementation of leakage current measurement in withstand voltage test at operating temperature for electric appliance safety inspection is presented in this paper .

    介绍一种电器安全检验在热 耐压测试中漏电流及其 波形检测的实现。

  • Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage Vulcanized rubber & Test method for industrial frequency puncture voltage and dielectric strength

    GB/T1695-1981硫化橡胶工频击穿介电强度和 电压的测定方法

  • Auxiliary Test System of Variable Frequency Withstand Voltage for Cross - Linking Cable On-The-Spot

    唯美与家居的沟通与融合交联电缆现场变频 耐压辅助试验系统

  • Study on Testing Oil-Paper Insulation of Power Transformer by Withstand Voltage Method Instead of Breakdown Method

    关于电力变压器油纸绝缘用 耐受 电压法代替击穿法的研究

  • Line Frequency Withstand Voltage Test Equipment Requirements and Test Method

    工频 耐受 电压试验设备要求和试验方法

  • Test should be carried out to check withstand voltage and thermal stability .

    试验要根据 电容 耐压和耐热条件进行校核。

  • AC Withstand Voltage Test on 500 kV Tank Breaker

    500kV罐式断路器交流 耐压试验

  • The HVDC withstand voltage test can discover the defect of paper insulated cable efficiently but it has limitation in discovering the defect of cross-linked polyethylene insulated power cable .

    分析了高 电压直流 耐压试验可有效发现纸绝缘电缆缺陷,但在发现交联聚乙烯绝缘电力电缆缺陷方面有局限性。

  • Exxon mobil anti-wear hydraulic oil products designed to meet series AW to withstand voltage high working environment of various hydraulic components and system requirements .

    美孚抗磨液压油AW系列油品专为满足需要 承受 高压、高温工作环境的各种液压组件的要求而制。

  • It is not need the phase-shifting transformer which reduces the system volume . In addition the withstand voltage and power requirements of power electronic device is significantly reduced .

    该多相电动机高压变频器无需移相变压器,减小了系统体积和成本,同时,由于结构的特点,大幅降低了电力电子器件 耐压和功率要求。

  • The factors which influenced the surface flashover and the way to rise the withstand voltage are also been analyzed .

    对影响表面闪络发生因素,提高表面 闪络 电压 阈值方法进行了分析。

  • Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage

    额定雷电冲击 耐受 电压

  • Power-cut and withstand voltage test problems of 220 kV GIS equipment during expanding and dealing with defect

    220KVGIS设备在扩建或处理缺陷时的停电及 耐压问题

  • Influence of HVDC Withstand Voltage Test on Cable Life

    电压直流 耐压试验对电缆寿命的影响

  • The withstand voltage properties of Yb-doped ( Ba Sr ) TiO 3 was investigated also .

    并进一步对Yb掺杂的(Ba,Sr)TiO3材料的 耐压 强度进行了研究。

  • Characteristics of DC Fog Withstand Voltage of the Contaminated Insulators on Transmission Line

    线路污秽绝缘子的直流雾中 耐受 电压特性

  • Also this paper studies and designs the structure and main circuit of the core part in the withstand voltage test & the variable frequency power supply .

    其次分析了变频 串联 谐振 耐压试验系统结构及工作原理,并对试验系统的核心器件变频电源的主电路进行了研究和设计。