witness stand

[ˈwɪtnɪs stænd][ˈwitnis stænd]


  • SPOILER : Early in the film a witness on stand pulls a gun out on Harvey Dent ( Two-Face ) during the trial and tries to shoot him .

    剧透:电影前半段,法庭上一个在 证人 上的目击者 掏出一把枪指向哈维·邓特(双面人)试图开枪杀他。

  • I 'd like the next witness to please take the stand .

    下一 证人,请 证人

  • In a trial a southern small-town prosecuting attorney called his first witness a grandmotherly elderly woman to the stand .

    在一次审讯中,南部小镇上的一个检察官传讯他的第一个 证人,祖母级的老妇人到 证人

  • On comparison and suggestion under the system of investigator taking a witness stand

    比较法视野下侦查人员出庭 作证制度之构想

  • The witness will stand behind the person being confirmed .

    见证 在行坚信 之人的身后。

  • He has got less than ten minutes to get her on that witness stand .

    他还有不到10分钟把她带 上证

  • Maggie maintained on the witness stand that theirs had been a case of platonic love .

    玛吉在 证人 上声言他们之间是精神上的恋爱。

  • That 's great that 's so perfect for the witness stand .

    太棒了,这样正好可以 出席 证人

  • You II say that on the witness stand right ?

    这些你可以 上证 作证,是吧?

  • The day wrapped up after brief introductory testimony by Philip Schiller an Apple senior vice president who is expected to take the witness stand again when the trial reconvenes Friday .

    在苹果高级副总裁希勒(PhilipSchiller)发表了简短的介绍性证词后,第一天的审理结束。预计周五再次开庭时,希勒还将 出庭 作证

  • Will the next witness take the stand ?

    请下一个 证人 就位 作证好吗?

  • She was confident her witness would stand up well to detailed questioning .

    她相信她的 证人 经得起详细的询问。

  • It 's time for the witness to take the stand for cross-examination .

    证人上证人 接受盘问的时候了。

  • Now with the defense case about to begin trial watchers wonder if the pop star can resist the temptation to step into the witness stand spotlight and tell the story as he sees it .

    现在,当辩论反击程序即将开始之时,审查员们想知道这位流行明星是否能够忍住诱惑去进入 证人 的聚光灯并陈述他所见到的事件。

  • The witness will please stand and raise his right hand .


  • She was asked to take the witness stand and was then cross-exam-ined by the state attorney .

    她被要求进入 证人 ,接受州检查官的盘问。

  • When you were on the witness stand .

    当你在 证人 上。

  • The recent years witness more importance attached to tourist programming but few instances can stand market test and prove successful because the planning level is to be enhanced .

    近几年,在 旅游开发中,旅游规划的作用越来越受到重视,但是能够 经受 市场检验、较为成功实施的事例却不多,原因在于旅游规划中的灵魂&旅游策划的水平还有待提高。

  • When I went to the witness stand I had stage fright .

    当我 出庭 作证时,我怯场了。

  • He proved overconfident on the witness stand misremembering a key piece of evidence .

    他在 证人 上表现得过于自信,记错了一条重要的证据。

  • An elderly man dressed in faded overalls took the witness stand .

    一位穿着褪色吊带工装裤的老人上了 证人