



  • When tables and chairs are wobbly .

    餐台和椅子是 摇晃的。

  • After a few drinks he felt quite wobbly .

    他喝了几杯,感到 两腿 虚飘飘的。

  • My finances are rather wobbly .

    我的财务状况相当 稳定

  • She still felt a bit wobbly on her feet .

    她仍感到有点 摇摇 晃晃地站

  • Sometimes it seems in pursuit of balance you have to get a little wobbly .

    有时,为了追求平衡,似乎需要让自己稍微有点 摇晃

  • Ryan was exhausted by the flight and walked off with wobbly legs to find Clark .

    飞行旅程让瑞安筋疲力尽,他双腿 颤抖着走出来寻找克拉克。

  • And Spain must shore up its wobbly cajas again regional institutions overexposed to an overheated property market .

    西班牙也必须 整固本国状况 的地区性金融机构,这些机构过度涉足业已过热的房地产市场。

  • She could not maintain her balance and moved in a wobbly fashion

    她无法保持平衡, 走路 颤颤 巍巍

  • That edifice suddenly looks wobbly as contrarian measures of investor optimism rise .

    随着与之相反的投资者乐观指标的上升,突然间,这 看起来 有些 摇摇欲坠

  • It is trying to right a wobbly economy without aggravating inflation .

    它正在对没有使更恶化的通货膨胀的权利 摆动的经济尝试。

  • Just because you can 't do what you want there 's no need to throw a wobbly .

    只是因为你不能随心所欲,也没有必要 脾气

  • The bank is as safe as houses compared with its wobbly Western peers but its heyday is over .

    那些 摇摇欲坠的西方同行相比,中行的 处境非常稳固,但它的鼎盛日子已经过去。

  • In Margaret Thatcher 's words This is no time to go wobbly .

    用撒切尔夫人的话说,没时间 摇摆 了。

  • While Greece teeters one of its eurozone peers on the Iberian Peninsula is feeling a tad wobbly too .

    希腊一个踉跄,伊比利亚半岛上的另一个欧元区国家也感到了一丝 摇晃

  • The party was quite good after a bit of a wobbly start .

    聚会开始时 怎么样后来就相当好了。

  • Objective critics sometimes noted that Maria Callas sounded strident and wobbly .

    客观的评论家有时会认为,玛丽娅•卡拉斯(MariaCallas)的声音听起来又刺耳又 发颤

  • Personally I am fine with just about any table although the wobbly ones can spell big trouble .

    对我而言,随便哪张桌子都行,不过, 摆动的桌子则会造成大麻烦。

  • But equally he cannot set out a plan for interest-rate increases when the financial system is so wobbly .

    但当整个金融体系 摇摆 定时,他也无法进行加息。

  • She told George Bush senior : This is no time to go wobbly !

    她告诉 老布什:现在不是 悠闲的时候!

  • They clung to my fur and pulled themselves up on wobbly legs poked fingers in my eyes investigated my ears and gave me kisses on my nose .

    他们喜欢抓着我的毛摇 摇晃 起来,喜欢用指头戳戳我的眼睛,喜欢研究我的耳朵,也喜欢亲吻我的鼻子。

  • Both countries suffer from soaring unemployment large budget deficits and wobbly financial sectors .

    两国都深受失业率飙升、预算赤字 大以及财政 岌岌可危之苦。

  • I 'm still feeling a bit wobbly after the divorce .

    离婚后我仍感到有些 确定

  • My legs still feel weak and wobbly .

    我仍然感到双腿无力, 晃晃 悠悠

  • My parents threw a wobbly when they found out I 'd had a party while they were away .

    父母 在时开了个晚会,他们知道后,极其 愤怒

  • And with legs as wobbly as stilts their best defense is to lie low .

    它的腿像高跷 一样 摇摆 ,它们最好的防御是降低 身子

  • The other two pillars are also wobbly .

    另外两大支柱也 并不 牢靠

  • I was sitting on a wobbly plastic chair .

    我正坐在一 摇摇 晃晃的塑料椅上。

  • ' So that 's why I want to go home ' he said in a wobbly voice .

    “所以这就是我要回家的原因,”他声音 颤抖地说。

  • She said she must sit down somewhere she felt wobbly .

    她说她得找个地方坐下来,她感到 身子 晃晃 悠悠的。

  • But nobody on my flight or the Qatar flight confessed to taking it and since the bag was scruffy with a very wobbly handle a mix-up seemed unlikely .

    但不管是我搭乘的航班还是飞往卡塔尔的航班,都没有人承认拿了我的包。由于我的包非常破旧,手柄 还是 摇摇 晃晃的,拿错是不太可能的。